Friday, 28 November 2008

“Our Thoughts Create Our Reality”
By: Dr. John P. DeMann

“I theorized that there was a thinking disorder at the core of the psychiatric syndromes such as depression and anxiety.” Aaron T. Beck, M.D.

I suggest that this is also true for experiencing happiness, fulfillment or any of the positive emotions we all seek in what we do. The fact that we can only think of one thing at a time tells us that an emotion equal to the thought will be attached to the thought. This really means that if we are depressed we are thinking depressing thoughts.

Of course we must take into consideration the chemistry of the mind-body system when we seek answers to questions like: Why am I depressed? Or why am I angry? This reality is in the thought itself. When we ask these questions we only serve the emotion of depression or anger. What would happen if we changed the questions to: What am I happy about or what can I do to experience this situation in a positive way?

If we can only think of one idea at a time then it stands to reason the questions that ask: What am I happy about? Or what can I do to experience this situation in a positive way, can only provide emotions that serve the positive answers we seek from the questions above. In short, the quality of life in many cases is determined by the quality of questions we ask ourselves.

This may seem simple and too basic, but I can say from experience that a person is usually only as happy as they “think” they are. If we can reframe our questions to require positive answers we will experience the emotions attached to the quality of the questions. I believe this one idea can make a big difference in the quality of life one lives.

To experience this first hand we have to first realize we usually create habitual responses to the world we experience. In fact, the world we experience is based on the thoughts we have. Of course you could be experiencing serious issues, but I suggest if you ask the right questions you can create a world many only dream of and to do this you must first recognize your habitual responses to your experiences.

Next you can take notice of the responses you have to situations and consciously begin catching yourself and finding more empowering responses to the situation at hand. It is important to leave all negativity behind. This does not mean you will not have negative responses in the beginning. Remember, you have to break the habit of negative responses and create a new habit of responding positively to all situations. There is not one situation you cannot find a way to experience it in an empowering way. If you can think of any let me know, but I think you will find that simply asking: What can I learn from this experience, you will create positive responses to any scenario.

Try this for 30 days and see what happens. Remember:
1. Recognize your habitual response to most situations.
2. Catch yourself and make a conscious effort to respond with an empowering question.
3. Notice the difference in the emotions you experience when you reframe questions or thoughts.
4. Keep a journal of your experience in this exercise.
5. Let me know how it worked.
You may respond openly on the journal page here or you may respond to me privately at I hope to hear from you!

Experience the Good Life,

Dr. John P. DeMann, CPEC, PCC/ICF, ISSA

Saturday, 8 November 2008

5 ways to Get in Shape for The New Year

5 Ways to Get in Shape for The New Year

Mason, Oh - 11/07/2008 - There's always that one New Year's resolution that comes back to haunt us year after year only to remain unfulfilled. How often have you made it through the holiday feasting to find a few mysterious extra pounds hovering around your midsection and resolved that "this year, I'm going to get into shape"?

And how often has that resolution fallen by the wayside once the fireworks die down and you get back into the momentum of your life?

The Pillars of Excellence has worked with many medical doctors and health care providers in helping their patients rid excess bodyfat, increase energy and stay fit through custom health and fitness programs. We also work with organizations around the world creating wellness programs that fit their needs.

Below are the five most manageable ways we have found to get in shape and stay in shape for the New Year.

1. Drink lots of water - Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a 1% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in every aspect of your life.

2. Cut out fast food - fast food just isn't good for your body. Regardless of what the high-powered advertising agencies tell you. Fast food has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. If high calorie, non-nutrition is what you are after, fast food may be for you. The personal trainers advise against this bad habit.

3. Eat 5-7 small meals per day - Yes, you heard that right! Small frequent meals throughout the day not only levels out your blood sugar, decreasing the lows you may experience throughout the day, but eating sensibly, and often, will provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day.

4. Exercise every day - Old research said you must exercise 30 minutes a day, but the latest experts suggest this just isn't enough. What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily.

5. Consult a personal trainer or contact The Pillars of Excellence - Let's face it; personal trainers know their stuff. They train, study, and devote themselves to being a better health and fitness expert everyday. They work out everyday, eat smart, and are right in the middle of several teams of experts. If you just booked one session to ensure you are on the right track, your body will thank you for it. Not to mention your significant other.

Have Fun!

Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA, CPEC/ICF
Phone: 513-234-7848

Monday, 3 November 2008

Thought Creates

Many of us believe that there is a secret to success. In our seeking this secret I believe we often create an image of something very unique and complicated. In our search it often feels like the secret is in reach, but many of us feel that we are missing an important piece of the secret that will take us to extraordinary levels of achievement. I feel this is the reason we constantly seek the answer and spend a great deal of time and money looking for this seemingly unattainable skill. However, I do believe that the secret we seek is something very attainable and very easy to understand and use.

In my research I have found that we often seek this secret in the wrong place. We look to books, studies, other people we feel have the secret and sometimes ludicrous seminars and courses given by some self proclaimed guru that only milks us of the hard earned money we have earned. Please do not get me wrong, many times we can learn a great deal from books, research, studies and even the self proclaimed guru's, but the truth is we have all used the secret at some point and probably use it daily without even knowing we are using it.

The word education means to bring out. This means that a good teacher is not some "know it all" who spoon feeds their students, but a guide that draws from each of us the knowledge within. We seem to have forgotten the most important tool of gaining knowledge and attainment of success in any area of life, our brain. Our thoughts are the most powerful tool we have, but we often fail to trust our own knowledge and rely on others to feed us what we want to know.

To achieve anything we must first understand that thought is required. In fact, thought is the foundation of all success. Take for example the architect who is contracted to build a house. The first step of course was the individual who came up with the idea. The architect is given the idea and begins to create the structure on paper based on the details of the initial idea. What is important to remember is that the idea first came from thought and it is in that thought creation begins. Once the idea is placed on paper and is approved a contractor then comes in and follows the instructions of the architect.

Anyone who has succeeded in creating a business completed a similar process as mentioned above. They came up with the idea, asked experts in certain areas to create the professional plans and the business is off the ground. The ones who are most successful are the ones who created the business, not the ones who worked it or built it, but the one who came up with the idea and got the ball rolling. The point is that true success comes from creation, from ideas and putting ideas in motion.

This week I will provide a simple, but effective exercise that will change your life forever. In fact, this process can be used to accomplish anything. The only skills needed are your ability to define what you want and the ability to "see" in your minds eye the accomplishment of the desired outcome. Also, it is important to believe that you can accomplish your desired outcome. Belief is crucial in the process and proof of this can be seen in the placebo effect. To build belief start small and work this process every day. Building your belief is like building a muscle, it needs exercise.

1. Determine outcome desired.
2. Believe that this outcome is attainable.
3. Visualize the outcome as if it is already attained.
4. Give thanks for achieving it.
5. Take action.
6. Evaluate progress and be flexible. When an action fails learn from it and change your approach.

Note: It is important to see the outcome as if it is already true. During visualization you will experience negative thought, however all you need to do is push that thought out of mind and replace it with the belief that the outcome is received.

One more important point. If you ever want to achieve anything it is imperative that you are enthusiastic. Make certain the outcomes you choose are truly your desires.

Thanks a Million,

John P. De Mann, Ph.D., CPEC, PCC/ICF