Saturday, 27 October 2007
Sensible Diet Tips
Start your diet with a food diary—record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time, and how you felt. That tells you about yourself, your temptation, and the emotional states that encourage you to snack and it may help you lose once you see how much you eat.
Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half a bite and throw the other half away. When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainable goals. Don't say, "I want to lose 50 pounds." Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds a month." Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more.
Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that "full feeling."
Diet with a buddy, a support group and or caring special friend can help one another succeed. Start your own group, even with just one other person.
Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the "Y" or health club if possible, or dust, or walk around the block. This is especially helpful if you eat out of anger.
If the pie on the counter is just too great a temptation and you don't want to throw it away, freeze it. If you are a late-night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread or a cracker, before bedtime to cut down on cravings. Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet the hunger pangs that wake you up.
If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward. Write down everything you eat—everything, including what you taste when you cook. If you monitor what you eat, you can't go off your diet.
Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you stuck to your diet all day.
Make dining an event. East from your own special plate, on your own special placemat, and borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, no matter how meager, look lovely. This is a trick that helps chronic over-eaters and bingers pay attention to their food instead of consuming it unconsciously.
Don't shop when you are hungry. You will only buy more fattening food. Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, including alcoholic beverages, which are so easy to overdo. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They are high in fiber, satisfying and filling. Leave something on your plate, even if you are a charter member of the Clean Your Plate Club. It's a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty.
Lose weight for yourself, not to please your husband, your parents or your friends. Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV set or with the radio on. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel. Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count! Never skip meals.
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Certified Trainer and Certified Personal and Executive Coach, can be reached at the Pillars of Excellence in Mason City Ohio at: 513-336-7172 or via email at: where he conducts a variety of classes in personal fitness and life improvement development. He also specializes in executive development, specifically performance enhancement technologies that allow aspiring professionals who want to become noticed and advanced within their organization. He is especially well known for his ability to transform those who want to become the best at their game! He works with Olympic Athletes, Professional Athletes, Fortune 500 Executives and the character development of kids using a special formulated approach that allows him to implement the 24 character strengths and virtues that are recognized in top performers around the world.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Local MDs Now Have Option For Fitness and Life Improvement
Mason Ohio 10-25-2007: By Dana E. Reasons, The Star Report -- Over the past few years, more physicians have been writing prescriptions for exercise as a way to reduce health risks stemming from obesity or to treat certain medical conditions. Some have been referring patients to personal trainers as a way to help them establish sound exercise routines and encourage compliance.
Personal trainers can provide exercise prescription details that are often not taught in medical schools. They assess body fat, strength, flexibility, and balance before designing a thorough and specific workout program that usually includes a combination of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. Due to their flexible hours and settings, personal trainers are also often a good option for patients who find it difficult to get to physical therapy locations.
Dr. John P. DeMann, certified fitness professional and certified personal and executive coach specializes in helping clients to decrease body fat percentage while increasing lean muscle tissue. He also believes in helping clients create an image of power and vitality along with their work that he feels will be the main reason people will be recognized for promotion. He uses a weight-training regimen combined with cardiovascular exercise, sensible nutrition and a flexibility program. He also uses a personal and professional coaching program that promotes the clients personal and professional development so they can realize their dreams. Research shows that those in shape and whose life is in order are more likely to get promotions. Many may not like this statement, but like anything else in life it may not be fair, but it is true!"
This country is plagued with an epidemic of high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle diseases,” reports Dr. John P. DeMann, owner of Pillars of Excellence located in Mason Ohio. With nearly 1 in 4 people affected, it is very common for Medical doctors to tell their patients to lose weight and get into better physical shape. Now, when the doctor tells the patient they need to be better about their fitness levels, I step in to show them how. I also show them that behavior modification is a key factor as well. The truth is that life is a challenge and those who can make the best of what they do are going to be the ones who create the tomorrows and make the world what it is. I assure you that I am going to help as many people make the best of their life so I can at least be a part of making the world something better each and every day.”
Increasingly more doctors are using the services of qualified personal trainers and personal and professional coaches to assist them in helping their clients achieve not only an optimal weight and body mass index, but also a life they have always dreamed of. The truth is that when people are happy they live longer more fulfilling lives. For more information on how you can work with a personal trainer and personal and professional coach contact the Pillars of Excellence. You may go to our web-site at or call 513-336-7172.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Exercise Melts Body Fat
Exercise Melts Body Fat
If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. Of course a balanced approach always works best, but a national study was recently conducted using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65. A great deal was learned from this accumulated data, and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, the most sedentary men had the most body fat.
Studies such as this have also indicated that the government’s current recommended daily allowance for calories does not correlate with the body's actual energy needs. For example, although an intake of 2400 calories has been calculated for older men, studies showed that they actually burned an average of 2800 calories daily.
The leading experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight do so by increasing their physical activity. Just being more active in general (such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving around instead of sitting still, sitting up instead of lying down, and even showing some excitement and enthusiasm instead of boredom) effectively burns calories and reduces body fat. Everyone seems to have lost sight of the value of being active. Consider this: a half-hour aerobic workout accounts for far less energy expenditure than our minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home.
Millions of Americans and people around the world are trying to lose weight, spending approximately $30 billion a year in America on diet programs and products, and often they do lose some weight. But, if you check with those same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. A national panel recently sought data to determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do so.
Being seriously overweight or obese predisposes individuals to a number of diseases and serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, and osteoarthritis. It is now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat. However, people who diet without exercising often accumulate fat with time. Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly.
Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture, and improving a positive self-concept. To lose weight, it is more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness—leading to more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system. In a walking, weight-loss program, you are not required to walk an hour every day as some people would have you believe.
Ultimately, when it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are inter-related. Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is no more beneficial than dieting while remaining inactive.
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Certified Trainer and Certified Personal and Executive Coach, can be reached at the Pillars of Excellence in Mason Ohio where he conducts one on one personal training and group fitness camps. Dr. DeMann uses a unique training approach that not only uses the typical physical regime, but also uses a special behavioral approach that has been shown to be 476% more effective than the traditional approach. Most weight loss and health issues arise from behavioral problems along with the lack of proper exercise programs and inappropriate diet programs. Because Dr. DeMann believes in a holistic approach he has his clients also work on life goals not only in fitness and health, but also in general and professional life issues.
Testimonial: Dr. DeMann has changed my life forever! I cannot tell you how many times I tried to change my weight and get into shape and in the end finding out that the program I was using either was unhealthy or only causing water and muscle weight loss, not fat loss. With Dr. DeMann I have been able to take off 39% Body Fat, lower my blood pressure from 186/98 to 110/65 and maintain this health for over 5 years now. My life has changed dramatically and every time I think of this I start to cry because I now know that I am a person who is worth something.
Dr. DeMann uses an approach that is holistic in nature. He does not just focus on the health and fitness part, he also uses a program that uses a behavioral approach where he has a Ph.D. and is Certified as a coach in personal and professional development!
Here is the great part, due to my weight problems I also had a lot of self confidence issues, so I never really gave my life the meaning it really deserved. When I started the program I never really cared about my personal or professional life, but today I have a personal life that I never thought I could ever have had and something even more unbelievable, I now have a Masters Degree in Management and going on to attain a Ph.D. where I too can help people who were in the same situation I was in. Dr. DeMann has given me more than just a new lifestyle, he has given me my life back!!!!
Dr. DeMann was so generous with his time as well. Anytime I needed help he was always there and he never complained. He did not even bill me on unscheduled calls. In fact, I am not certain he even billed me on all my calls. I think he would bill me only when I was not following through and when I did well he let the bill go I think to reward me for my accomplishments! I will admit I still paid him, but that really touched my heart.
During the program I had a situation where my son got very ill and it got to a point where I could not afford to pay him due to the medical expenses. I told him I would have to stop coming due to the situation, he said if I did not show up he would come over and drag me out of the house to do the work scheduled! He told me that if he stopped treating me and helping me due to lack of funds it would be very unprofessional on his part.
There are so many people out there saying they want to help others with their problems and believe me I ran into my share of them. All I can say is this: never did Dr. DeMann indicate that he was only in it for the money. He was always honest, even though it hurt at times, which I think was one of the main reasons his program worked so well. But I must say again, Dr. DeMann has created a program that works the whole you, not just the physical part. I always thought dieting and exercise were the only aspects to getting into shape, but boy was I wrong!
To get into shape requires an approach that works on your physical, spiritual and mental aspects of the person. It also requires a great deal of love and understanding and let me say this, Dr. DeMann provided me all of these aspects! Sorry for the long testimonial, but Dr. DeMann deserves it. If you are looking to change your personal, professional or any part of your life, invest in Dr. DeMann, you will not regret it!
Love and Regards to all, but to you, Dr. DeMann, thank you for making my life the life I have always dreamed of!
Susan O’Brien
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Guidelines For Losing Body Fat!
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Personal Trainer and CPEC
At The Pillars of Excellence we are asked at least five times a day, “How do I lose the excess body fat around my middle?”
Based on working with over 10,000 clients I am going to provide the techniques that have been the most successful in helping them to lose fat safely and in the quickest amount of time.
You can't lose fat quickly and efficiently unless you take in fewer calories than you would need to stay the same weight. Neither can you gain musculoskeletal strengthening muscle quickly and efficiently unless you take in more calories than you would need to stay the same weight.
When you gain muscle, you burn more calories while you literally are doing nothing. This causes an increase in your basal metabolic rate – in other words, big muscles burn more fat and calories than little muscles.
Learn to change your thought process about food. During the holidays, it's very easy to eat an enormous dinner and then go to sleep. Bad habit!
When you sit down to eat, ask yourself:
"What am I doing for the next two to three hours?"
If you plan on taking a nap, eat less calories and carbohydrates. If you plan on going to the gym, eat more calories and more carbohydrates. And so forth. Your carbohydrates and calories need to be adjusted depending upon your anticipated activity levels. This way you are burning the calories that normally would be stored as fat.
The latest rage in the media is to entirely cut out carbohydrates. Bad idea! Our bodies perform best when we eat a diet rich in high quality carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are your body's preferred fuel source. Low glycemic carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and grains are preferred for sustained energy sources.
Simple carbohydrates, such as a candy bar, peak the blood sugar, resulting in a huge drop in energy. Stay away from these types of carbohydrates as they will leave you feeling weak and out of energy. This will make it difficult for you to reach your training goals.
If you want to lose fat, or excess body weight, establish a ratio of about 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. Depending upon the training and protocol, you may want to add more carbohydrates for energy, and more protein for muscle growth. And remember, to lose weight, simply ingest fewer calories than you would need to stay the same weight. It really is that simple.
Thanks a Million,
Dr. John P. DeMann
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Five Ways to Get in Shape
Press Release #4: 5 Ways to Get In Shape
With the holidays approaching fast we need to remember that there is always that one New Year’s resolution that comes back to haunt us year after year only to remain unfulfilled.
How often have you made it through the holiday feasting to find a few mysterious extra pounds hovering around your midsection and resolved that “this year, I’m going to get into shape”?
And how often has that resolution fallen by the wayside once the fireworks die down and you get back into the momentum of your life?
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA certified fitness trainer and Personal health and Fitness Coach tells us the 5 most manageable ways to stick to those New Year’s Resolutions.
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a 1-2% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in virtually every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – Fast food just isn’t good for your body. It has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. The Pillars of Excellence advises against this bad habit. Try having a Fuji apple, a vitamin packed banana and a yogurt as an alternative to the fast food cravings.
3. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Eating small, frequent, sensible meals throughout the day will level out your blood sugar and provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day. Have at least one serving of fresh fruits or vegetables at every meal.
4. Exercise every day – What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily. If you get bored easily doing the same routine day in and day out, feel free to mix it up. On Monday take the dog for a long walk, play tennis on Tuesday, go for a swim at the local pool on Wednesday, go for a bike ride on Thursday and go for a hike on Friday.
5. Consult a personal trainer – Personal trainers train, study, and devote themselves to being a better health and fitness expert every day. If you just book one session to ensure you are on the right track, your body will thank you for it. One of the best insurance policies you can buy!
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Certified Trainer, can be reached at the Pillars of Excellence in Mason Ohio where he conducts personal training and behavioral approaches to maintaining healthful living. Dr. DeMann believes that health and fitness is more than just exercise and eating right. He says that behavioral approaches must be used in order to maintain the fitness lifestyle! To perform at our best we must be in the best shape we can possible be in.
To contact Dr. DeMann you can reach him at 513-336-7172 or at 1-866-905-7763. You may also find out more about what he does at
Thursday, 18 October 2007
11 Super Foods
Dr. John P. DeMann, Performance Coach, Peak Performance Research, PPR
Chances are high that every day we are bombarded by at least 3000 ads a day.
Many of these are ads from food manufacturers telling us why we should buy their product. Open up any magazine and there are 50 high-color, glamorous ads written by the best marketing minds on the planet telling us why we need to spend our money on their latest nutritional invention.
There really are some great products out there. But keep in mind that most of these contain fillers to extend shelf life and make them taste better. Not necessarily heightening our health or increasing daily performance.
The answer may be to live as one of the great Greek philosophers once said, “All things in moderation.” Especially when it comes to eating processed foods.
So here they are. Some of the basics of good nutrition, from which the majority of your calories should probably come:
11 Super FOODS
Oranges - rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber
Whole-grain bread - It’s higher in fiber and about a dozen more vitamins and minerals than enriched white bread or “wheat” bread (if the first ingredient is NOT whole wheat, don’t be fooled – it’s not whole wheat bread)
Cantaloupe - A quarter of a delicious melon supplies almost as much vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day. (Be sure to wash the outside of the cantaloupe, before you cut into it.)
Broccoli – Contains tons of vitamin C, carotenoids, and folic acid
Sweet potatoes - A little-known nutritional powerhouse - one of the most nutritious vegetables you can eat. They’re loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. (Regular white potatoes are not in the same class as sweet potatoes)
Watermelon – Excellent source of vitamin C and carotenoids
Beans – Inexpensive, low in fat, and rich in protein, iron, folic acid, and fiber
Salmon or other fatty fish – The omega-3 fats are abundant in fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and rainbow trout. Be sure to eat wild, not farm-raised.
Spinach and Kale – Loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, and fiber
Garlic – This is such a great food that it’s in a class of its own. Garlic is full of organic sulfur compounds and even powerful antioxidants. Don’t over do it, but try to have some fresh garlic 1 or 2 times per week.
Water – One of the best things to do for your brain and body is simply have a fresh, clean glass of water.
Instead of reaching for a potential diabetes-causing, medical-industry supportive candy bar, soda, or other high-calorie, poor nutrition, highly-processed, performance-defying product … reach for one of the above nutrition-packed, performance-enhancing super foods.
Your body just might thank you for it one day.
For more information on eating to enhance performance The Pillars of Excellence has several programs that meet the needs of all activity levels, from the average everyday employee to the super athlete trying to enhance their game.
Please remember that food is the best way to get and stay in shape and maintain the healthy body that can make the difference to reach extraordinary performance.
He is Dr John Paul DeMann Ph.D., CPEC, and PCC/ICF
The Founder & Creator of the Pillars of Excellence Organization
AS- Liberal Arts and Business Administration
BS – Management with a minor in Marketing
BA – Liberal Arts and Business Administration
MAS – Aeronautical Engineering with a minor in Business Management and Administration
BS – Psychology
MS – Psychology with Nutrition, Sport Conditioning and Wellness
Ph.D. – Psychology (Positive) - University of Berkeley
ATP: Airline Transport Pilot – The required credential to captain commercial aircraft.
Certified Flight Instructor (CFIIEIMEI) - The right to teach all aircraft ratings from student to commercial.
He has flown Boeing 767s as a first officer for a commercial operator.
As well as DC-9s as a Captain, also for a commercial operator.
Accumulated a total of 12,500+ hours of flight time
Accumulated 2500+ hours of flight instruction.
Accumulated 2000+ hours’ aerobatic training and instruction.
Dr. DeMann is the creator of NPFT; Neuro Physio Flow Therapy. This is part of the copyrighted dynasty that includes the acclaimed life changing Audio program Soteria that includes the GPA: Life Enhancement Therapy.
He has built many successful businesses including a portfolio of eighty-five properties.
He has achieved national & professional champion athlete status in two different sports and earned recognition as a professional WWF wrestler!
He holds the following certifications:
1. NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner & Teach the Teacher
2. Hypnosis Basic, Advanced, Master & Teach the Teacher
3. A Certified Personal and Executive Coach: College of Executive Coaching.
This Requires a Masters degree or higher in Human development and Psychology.
4. Personal Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
5. Anodyne Practitioner, Anodyne Medical Therapist and Anodyne Trainer Certificates.
6. PSYK-K Certified Practitioner and Trainer.
7. Several high profiled assessment programs recognized by many of the Psychological Association Boards as high quality assessment tools that require certification at high standards.
Dr. DeMann carries out extensive research in the area of coaching in personal life and business development. He has created his own coaching models that reflect current research in the Humanistic Perspective styles, behavioral styles, cognitive styles, Integrative and cross theory approaches in coaching and personal & professional development.
He is certified by the following Boards:
The British Association of Therapeutic Hypnotherapists.
The Professional Board of Hypnotherapists Canada.
The National Board of Professional & Ethical Standards America & Britain.
The American Medical Board using Anodyne where he has earned the practitioner, Anodyne Medical Therapist Certification and Anodyne Trainer Certification.
Dr. DeMann has helped to create a ground breaking revolutionary new program called Anodyne. It combines NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with Hypnosis and has been approved by the Duke University National Board.
His book ‘The Pillars of Excellence’ which is stocked by all the Barnes & Noble branches in the USA & pending for Waterstones and WH Smith in the UK, has already sold past the 500,000 mark in the first 3 months of this year alone! As such, it is well on its way to hitting the Top Spot on the New York Times Bestseller’s List and will of course be an International Success very soon after!
Here are just a few of the countries that Dr. DeMann has spoken, coached in and conducted many of the seminars he has created and qualified to teach:
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Norway & Sweden.
He has also worked with the following companies:
Proctor & Gamble, AT&T, National Banking Trust, Trans World Airlines, NWA, SWA, Great Lakes Airlines, Affleck Corporation, Emery Corp; Heritage Corp; Wilmington Rotaries, Teen Corp, ABX Incorporated,
As well as in these sports arenas:
WWF (or WWE as it is now referred to), UCW and WCW (a.k.a. Wrestling!)
Top American Baseball & Football teams.
John has visited many schools, empowering countless children! He has fantastic success with people suffering from dyslexia and also teaches people to learn how to learn, how to find their inner power and how to live a life with Purpose & Focus!
He will be visiting schools in Britain to show how to help a child go from, for example, a seemingly hopeless mischief maker, who cannot concentrate, who is ‘going nowhere’ - to an A grade student! And it’s not a long winded ‘process’ that takes weeks or months! It’s done and dusted in less than a day!
These teachings are, unfortunately - and quite CLEARLY, not taught in schools! This is why he is so committed to changing the way that we are being ‘taught’!
In the near future, The Pillars Family will be sponsoring youngsters through university and setting up weekend meetings where people can come together to build their own mastermind groups to encourage each other to stick with their development as well as to get extra coaching.
He has also pioneered a program that shows people how to improve their memory to a fantastic level very quickly. Can you imagine what this can do for children in schools?! Let alone the society at large!
He also happens to be introducing a revolutionary new program & concept that will flip the medical profession right on its head!
Anyone who acts on the teachings in his book ‘The Pillars of Excellence’ and seminar (Soteria) is going to go through the roof in regards to excellence in ALL areas of their life!
Phone: 001 513-336-7172 or 513-544-4483 or 513-770-0102 or 866-905-7763!
Address: 7577 Central Parke Blvd.
Suite 135 Mason
Ohio 45040
Friday, 12 October 2007
Create Your Day
To create your day just sit for a few minutes visualize the day you want and see it happening, know you can make it happen and know you can help others do the same.
To make your day just visualize the day you want first thing in the morning and never drift from this desire. Please know there is nothing mystical about this, it really starts to make you focus on what you want and the truth is your unconscious and conscious mind will do what is needed to make it happen.
Let us know how this is working for you and we will publish anything that will help others reach their true potential.
Today part of my creation was this article so I could help millions do the same and become a true force in the life they are living.
Dr. John P. De Mann
Friday, 24 August 2007
Components of Health and Physical Fitness
The Five Components of Health and Physical Fitness:
Physical activity plays an essential role in the quality of life because it increases energy, promotes physical, mental and psychological well-being, and serves as preventive medicine. Several studies have explored the relationship between physical activity and the overall quality of life. In 1996, the Surgeon General’s Office released its Report on Physical Activity and Health, which reviews the evidence relating physical activity to reduced risks of a variety of health problems. There is evidence that physical activity is related to a lower risk of premature development of many health problems like: anxiety, arthritis, back pain, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, lung disease, memory problems, and osteoporosis. A longer life and increased energy, as well as physical, mental, psychological, and social well-being are some of the compelling reasons to improve your health through physical fitness.
According to the experts at the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), the organization that literally teaches the nation’s top personal trainers how to get their clients into shape, total fitness involves an integrated approach that is dynamic, multidimensional, and also relates to heredity and environmental factors.
Although heredity influences physical fitness and health, we can all lead healthy or unhealthy lives regardless of our genetic makeup. It is not possible to establish the relative portion of an individual’s health or fitness that is determined through heredity, therefore your genetic background neither dooms nor guarantees success in achieving total fitness. Our environment includes our climate, altitude, and pollution, as well as social factors like friends, parental values, and workplace characteristics that affect our fitness and health. Our past and present environments affect us all, and can have a substantial impact on our health and wellness. Likewise, one of the major components of fitness involves personal choices: time spent in the sun, smoking, drinking, arguing, and worrying. People who, over a lifetime, have neglected health and fitness practices suffer higher levels of “disease” (maladies, ailments, injuries—the absence of ease) compared to those who have lived a fitness lifestyle.
As important as the mental and psychological components of fitness are, it is through physical activity that we can improve our quality of life by preventing or delaying the premature development of the aforementioned health problems. Below is what the technical support staff of the trainers to the personal trainers told us are the five principle physical components of fitness:
Cardiovascular endurance is an important (most physicians would state categorically that it is the most important) component of physical fitness. When your muscles need oxygen, your aerobic (cardiovascular) system must be able to efficiently deliver it to them. When your body has waste products that need to be expelled (e.g. carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products), your heart-lung complex must be up to the task. These two tasks form the functional basis of aerobic fitness. Also, engaging in aerobic exercise can burn up to one thousand calories an hour depending on the specific type and intensity of activity. As a result, individuals who want to reduce their level of body fat sensibly, instead of starving the weight off, have a positive, user-friendly option at their disposal. In addition, the value and impact of aerobic fitness extends beyond the boundaries of the workout room: engaging in aerobic exercise can increase your life span and your level of available energy; aid in relieving depression, stress, and anxiety, as well as in preventing certain types of cancer; enhance self-image; reduce the risk of heart disease; “slow” the aging process; and even improve mental sharpness and the quality of sleep.
Strength is your ability to exert musculoskeletal force against an external object, such as a barbell, the ground, or an opponent, and it stems from four main sources:
Structural/anatomical factors – How your body is put together as an efficient “machine”
Physiological/biochemical factors – How your internal systems work to create energy and promote repair, remodeling, and growth in response to training
Psycho neural/psychosocial factors – How your skills, attitudes, belief systems, and tolerance to pain interrelate to allow your body to function at peak efficiency
External/environmental factors – How factors external to your body (e.g., weather, gravity, equipment) can be manipulated to produce greater force output
In addition to cardiovascular concerns, a lack of adequate muscular strength in conjunction with a decrease in bone density due to an increase in age is a definite health concern of our general population. A lack of adequate muscular strength can lead to a decrease in our musculoskeletal functions. Strength developed through resistance training helps to develop our musculoskeletal system.
Sound nutrition is the consumption of food that provides your body with all the nutrients it needs to remain healthy and active. There are six major nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water) necessary for a healthy body. A deficiency in any one of these nutrients can reduce your chances of success in reaching your fitness goals. Considerable data indicates that the safest and most effective way to accomplish weight control is to combine sensible eating habits with a program of sound exercise including both aerobic and weight training.
Flexibility is the ability to flex, extend, or circumduct the joints through their full intended range of motion. The term flexibility refers only to joints’ mobility and how muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other soft tissues affect it, and not to the “looseness” or “suppleness” of those soft tissues themselves. How much flexibility do you need? Although the answer varies from individual to individual, it can safely be said that you need enough flexibility to meet the demands of your daily activities with ease, plus a little bit more to spare for life’s little emergencies (e.g., falling on ice, tripping, etc.). Most fitness enthusiasts typically tend to overemphasize flexibility training, to the neglect of developing functional strength while in the stretched position. Significantly improving your joints’ range of motion without also improving the strength of your surrounding musculature (especially at its new range of motion) can be an invitation for injury. For this reason, strength and flexibility training programs must occur concurrently.
A positive attitude may seem like a mental component of fitness, but this element of physical fitness is the most important of all! The YMCA adopted a triangle (in which the points of that triangle were “mind,” “body” and “spirit”) from the Native Americans. All religions in one way or another recognize the importance of this Mind-Body-Spirit link. Will it help you run faster? Fight through a tackle? Concentrate on a free throw? Well, miraculous things have happened! However, any individual who does not focus on their overall happiness with life will indeed suffer and never realize his/her full potential.
I hope this helps and it has provided you with new knowledge on healthy living or at least reminded you of what you already know. I love providing these articles because I love giving others information they can use so please put it to use. One thing I always say is start slow enough to make sure you do to over do the work as this is the one reason most fail to continue living a healthy lifestyle. Keep up the great work and I hope to see you in one of the Pillars events!
Thanks a Million and Live Life to the Full!
Dr. John P. DeMann
Friday, 17 August 2007
A Well Formed Outcome Made Simple!
JHP: Special Series
Well Formed Outcomes
We will be looking at Patterns of NLP in the next series of articles from the Journal of Human Performance, JHP. I do believe in making personal development easy to use and make it so you do not have to think about what you need to do to succeed at any task. To do this I will provide you two formulas per pattern, one that is suggested by NLP and one that I create to make them more usable. I will also provide you the reader the ability to provide the readers with your ideas that can improve any pattern for success. This is crucial to the development of any field or profession and is something I like to try and promote in the personal and professional development arena.
Please understand I am note saying that I have a better way, however in the 23 years of coaching I have recognized that people and organizations will not use what they learn if it is complicated or just long. I have worked literally with thousand in one on one sessions and I have found that people use what is easy to use. What I have done is created a basic understanding of how to apply the patterns for ease and workability. I have also created these from the information gathered from clients so I have to give credit to all the people I have worked with who, not only came in for help, but in that process gave me the opportunity to learn from them. In fact, much of my knowledge comes from real life experience that either I have attained through my own actions or by the actions of others.
Below we begin the series with the foundation patterns, specifically the pattern of a well formed outcome:
The Well Formed Outcome Pattern: This pattern is really used in all circumstances that require any outcome. It should be used consistently in all activities for 3 weeks where you will find yourself using it unconsciously. The first pattern will be the typical NLP pattern for a well formed outcome and the second will be for those who like to have things simplified and want to internalize the pattern for daily use.
1. State the outcome in the positive: What do you want? Do not state what you do not want!
2. State what you can do and maintain in the creation of the outcome: In this we want to describe the skills needed and the resources needed to complete the outcome successfully.
3. Contextualize, when, where, with whom… This requires you to state when you will attain the outcome, where you will attain it and who you will attain it with or who you will need to attain it with.
4. State the outcome in Sensory based words: Anytime you have an outcome/goal set it is very important to attach as much emotion to it as possible. This means placing great pain to not attaining the goal and pleasure to attaining the goal. Pain and pleasure are built in motivation resources.
5. Sequence the goal into bite sized stages: It is easy to give up if the outcome is too easy to attain or if it is too difficult. For this reason we need to evaluate our ability and what makes us stay motivated. Know your limitations so you do not get overwhelmed, but just as important so you do not under stimulate your needs.
6. Load up your goal description and plan with plenty of resources: Here you want to be ready to attain the outcome. Many times we end up starting to take the appropriate action but get sidelined because we run out of resources. Always have available abundant resources.
7. Specify your evidence for fulfillment: Here we are setting the stage for success. We need to know what it is we are after in terms of results and we need to know exactly when the result is achieved.
8. Make it compelling: This is the example where I need to show you why this can be reduced. Compelling is really an emotion and we are doing that in step 4 where we use sensory based words to gain greater pain and pleasure. But for the formulas sake we need to be going after something that is desired greatly. Many times goals are not compelling and we all have experienced going after an outcome then drifting away from the outcome because it was not compelling enough.
9. Check for ecology: This simply means, is the outcome good for you, others and the environment?
Now let’s go back over the formula, but this time let’s make it simple so you can look at this and follow through in a few simple steps. I also want to make certain that you try and create your own patterns. This can be done once you see how these are made simple and then applying the same idea to your own ideas.
The simplified formula for a well formed outcome:
1. Know the outcome you desire: Simply know what you are after and describe it in detail. This means place emotion into the description so you can continually motivate yourself towards the well formed outcome.
2. Define the purpose for attaining the goal: This will motivate you to attain the outcome. This is important because most people, 97%, fall short of attaining the outcomes that they set because they fail to define the purpose for attaining the goal. In fact, when people use this simplified version compared to the extended version above they receive a 98% success rate in attaining the outcomes they desire compared to a 3% return on the formula above.
3. The next step is to define the action steps needed to complete the goal: It is best to make the action steps small and manageable, but difficult enough to maintain interest. The truth is that when action is taken regularly it keeps us motivated and allows us to feel the emotion, that we defined in step one, to be experienced daily and not only when the outcome is received.
4. Finally determine if what you are doing is working and if it is not, change your action, then approach it from another angle. Anyone who has reached even minor success will tell you that attaining outcomes requires you to constantly evaluate if what you are doing is working or if it is not. This step requires that you look daily at what you are doing which will allow you to see if what you are doing is working or not. When we are aware that something is not working, we usually change the approach automatically. Even if you do not move closer to the goal immediately you succeed as long as you learn and change the approach. Remember failure is only feedback and if you apply what you learn it will be inevitable that eventually you will reach success.
If you look at the above formula you will notice that it is much simpler then the well formed outcome of the NLP pattern. This does not mean you should follow the easy formula to the “t” it only means that you can probably think of an easier way to accomplish goals you set. However, do not fall into the trap of making it too easy so it takes away interest or causes you to miss important actions that are required to reach your goal. Motivation is best supported when the work is interesting and meets your desire for challenge. If the actions you are taking are boring and if they are not challenging you will eventually give up.
I hope this has helped and I know if you apply this strategy you will find great success. In fact, try now to make this simpler and email me the revised version and I will show it to all my readers. In any field the communication between the professionals and those who use the products is extremely important for the growth and success of the profession. I believe this is where NLP has had a problem; the content has not been reorganized since it was introduced and this has created a lack of improvement to the NLP process. Think about the progress that can be made and what can be done if we can communicate the most efficient way and the best way to do something. How many people can we reach?
Go to play and have fun, start to use this everyday and let me know how it went. Also, if you love to develop personally or you love to help others develop personally and or professionally communication is important to success. No matter what field of work you are in communicating ideas is what makes that field grow. Let’s all start to communicate our ideas and really get powerful techniques out there.
Thanks A Million,
Dr. John P. DeMann
Monday, 6 August 2007
Do You Really Need a Multi-Vitamin?
Dr. John P. DeMann, Performance Coach, the Pillars of Excellence.
Do you really need a multivitamin and mineral supplement? Do supplements have any real benefit?
These are two questions we are asked on a daily basis at the Pillars of Excellence. While there are many variables involved such as past medical conditions, allergies, and other issues that need to be addressed by a medical professional before taking any supplements, the below list provides an answer for many common supplements and what they are reported to do for the body.
This is by no means a complete listing of all the vitamins and minerals that you would need to supplement your diet. This is simply an interesting list of the responsibilities of some of the vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin A Vision, bone formation, cell membranes, and reproductive function.
Vitamin B1 Energy production.
Vitamin B2 Vision and cells.
Vitamin B3 Cardiovascular system and serum cholesterol.
Vitamin B5 Energy production and helps you handle stressful situations more easily.
Vitamin B6 Mental clarity and immune system.
Vitamin B12 Nerve structure and red blood cells.
Vitamin C Joints, tissues, bones, blood vessels, as well as your body's immune.
Vitamin D3 Healthy bones and calcium absorption.
Calcium Nerves, tissues, cells and energy production. Also helps prevent bone loss.
Magnesium Cardiovascular system, blood pressure, and energy production.
Potassium Water balance, pH levels and energy production.
Iodine Energy production, skin, nerves, and energy production.
Zinc Immune function, joints, and tissues.
Copper Nervous system and cell respiration.
For more information about these supplements and others, visit or
Sunday, 5 August 2007
NLP Pattern: Well-Formed Outcome Pattern
In the coaching style approach to change we focus on the outcome. Outcome thinking is really a powerful approach to change and is one of the best ways to fin achievement in life.
I wrote once that Flow is attained when one knows what they are after and that the actions taken to achieve the outcome are actions that are taking one closer to the desired outcome. This allows us to feel as if we are productive and when this state is attained we simply can't help, but to feel like we are making progress.
Outcome based thinking is only the start and you must realize that with outcome based thinking we must know the actions needed to attain the outcome. The actions we need to take can be considered the patterns, I also call a set of action steps the model. Let us consider a pattern we can use to achieve an outcome, we call the pattern a Well-Formed Outcome Pattern. Below I have provided you a step by step approach that you can use to achieve any outcome you desire. I suggest that you do this for all activities in life and first thing everyday I would suggest you look at your desired outcome and review it. I would also suggest you determine the emotions or the state you will be in when you attain the outcome. The truth is that you will feel the state everyday as long as you are moving toward the outcome by taking the steps in the Well-Formed Outcome Pattern:
1. State the outcome in the positive: There is something to be said about positive thinking as research shows that those who are positive have a much higher success rate in achieving their goals.
2. State what you can do and maintain in order to attain the outcome: Here is the place you want to decide what actions you must take to achieve the outcome. It is important that you find daily actions that will take you closer to the outcome, this is what will allow you to experience the state you desire experience when you attain the outcome, but this will allow you to have the experience now!
3. Contextualize when, where and with whom: Make the outcome very clear. This means to be sure to have detail in the pattern so you know when it will be achieved, where it will happen and who else will be involved.
4. State in sensory-based words: State what you will see, hear and feel. The more emotion you add to your pattern the more likely you will achieve the outcome. If you have any experience with my teachings you know that I believe that goals are emotions that we seek. To attain any desired outcome we need to know what it is we are after in terms of emotions. All goals have a emotional base to them.
5. Sequence the goal into bite-sized steps and stages: Many do not reach their goals because they are too big. Sometimes people do not attain their goals because they are too small. The idea here is to make sure that the goal actions are set up in sequence and chunked down so it feels like you can achieve the goal.
6. Load up your goal description and plan with plenty of resources: Determine the resources you will need to attain the goal. This includes material and emotional needs. Do you have the confidence, the financial backing, the support etc.
7. Specify your evidence for fulfillment: Determine how you will know you have reached the goal. Also set up a way to know that you are moving towards your goal by making daily plans and make sure you follow these plans so you know each day you are making progress. This is very important because it allows you to feel like you are making progress which will motivate you to continue moving to attain the outcome you desire.
8. Make it compelling: Is the goal you seek compelling, in other words is it important to you, does it excite you.
9. Check for ecology: Does the goal fit with other goals you have? Does the goal meet your values? Will the goal enhance your life, empower you, empower others?
There you have it! Using the Pattern above for yourself and for others if you are in the helping profession provides a way to quality control objectives. If you use what you have learned I promise you will experience results that will make your desired goals a reality. Start now and use this pattern for something simple, but meaningful and see for yourself the power it holds.
I look forward to providing you many more patterns so please remember to keep a look out for more to come. I will provide over 70 of them and they will help you manage your life in a more organized and fulfilling way.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
An Interview with Julie Preston
And how often has that resolution fallen by the wayside once the fireworks die down and you get back into the momentum of your life?
We asked the experts at The Pillars of Excellence, Dr. John P. DeMann, to tell us the five most manageable ways to get in shape and stay in shape for the New Year.
In case you have not heard of The Pillars of Excellence and Dr. John P. DeMann, they work with many medical doctors and health care providers in the United States helping their patients rid excess body fat, increase energy and stay fit through custom health and fitness programs. The Pillars of Excellence and Dr. John P. DeMann work with countless individuals, companies and organizations helping them to stay in shape. Below is what the certified personal training staff told us on how to make it a fit and a healthy year:
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a 1% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – Fast food just isn’t good for your body. Regardless of what the high-powered advertising agencies tell you. Fast food has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. If high calorie, non-nutrition is what you are after, fast food may be for you. The personal trainers advise against this bad habit.
3. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Yes, you heard that right! Small frequent meals throughout the day not only levels out your blood sugar, decreasing the lows you may experience throughout the day, but eating sensibly, and often, will provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day.
4. Exercise every day – Old research said you must exercise 30 minutes a day, but the latest experts suggest this just isn’t enough. What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily.
5. Consult a personal trainer – Let’s face it; personal trainers know their stuff. They train, study, and devote themselves to being a better health and fitness expert every day. They work out every day, eat smart, and are right in the middle of several teams of experts. If you just booked one session to ensure you are on the right track, your body will thank you for it. Not to mention your significant other.
We also wanted to know more about Dr. DeMann. What we found out was mind blowing, this guy is serious and he is not slowing down! Here is what he had to say: I believe it is important to understand who is providing you information on whatever endeavor you are after so you may gain trust with the person and the organization giving you the information to succeed. Today we live in a dangerous world and each day we are asked to purchase or listen to some of the strangest crap. I know your time is limited so I like to keep as much information to a minimum, but in order to gain your trust I need to make sure you know who I am.
Much of my success I attribute to my mental reality, in other words how I interpret the world. I am an expert in Human Behavior, is that not what all this is about, how we behave, what actions we choose and what we decide to do in response to stimulus’s that present themselves to us daily. I have accumulated what I believe to be important criteria to meet the professional standards to become the top in my field. It is crucial to be able to make decisions and choices that support your values; in fact, I believe that to be fulfilled we must be able to make our actions flow in line with our values which then create peak experiences. My credentials are as follows:
My name is Dr. John P. DeMann. I specialize in performance enhancement in life, sports and business. I also do work for discrete organizations looking for ways to enhance personnel and give them the upper hand in sensitive areas. I coach and consult individuals and organizations in peak performance strategies and life enhancement technologies to give the user of the technologies the ability to be well versed so they can use what they learned in such a way that is unconscious and automatic.
Since a young man I have asked the same question over and over: “What is it that makes one perform circles around another, even if they are not as gifted.” In this quest I have come up with some extraordinary answers. The great thing is this, I am not just someone who decided to study this for no reason, I have lived it and I will provide you a list of my credentials to help you gain trust in me so you feel more comfortable hearing what I have to say. The following is a list of my credentials, but please know that credentials do not mean a thing, they need to be backed by action and for those who already know me I believe you will now be able to see I am for real and I am in this industry to do one thing and one thing only; Help as many people achieve the lifestyle and happiness they have always dreamed of and that they deserve!
· Associate of Arts Degree
· Bachelor of Arts Degree
· Masters Degree in Aeronautical Science
· Masters Degree in Management
· Ph.D. in Personal and professional Human Change Management.
· FAA: Certified Private Pilot
· FA:A Instrument Pilot
· FAA: Commercial Pilot
· FAA: Certified Flight Instructor Rating Airplane Single Engine and Multiengine Instrument Airplane
· NLP Practitioner Certification
· NLP Master Practitioner
· NLP Teach the Teacher
· NLP Master Trainer
· Basic Hypnotherapy Certification
· Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification
· Masters Hypnotherapy Certification
· Teach The Teacher Hypnotherapy Certification
· Master Trainer Hypnotherapy
· Anodyne Practitioner
· Anodyne Medical Therapist
· Anodyne Trainer
· Anodyne master Trainer
· Certified Personal and Executive Coach: College of Executive coaching
· Personal Certified Coach
· Peak Performance Coach
· Master Peak Performance Coach
· International Coach Federation Qualified
· ISSA: Certified Personal Trainer
· ISSA: Certified Specialist in Nutrition
· ISSA: Certified Sports Conditioning Specialist
· Olympic Certified Master Trainer in Conditioning, Nutrition and Psychological Advancements.
· Member of the International Board of Ethical And Professional Standards
· Member of The United Nations
· Member of The American Board of hypnotherapy
· Member of The Canadian Board of Hypnotherapy
· Member of The Spanish Board of Hypnotherapy
· Member of the British Hypnotherapy Board
· Member of The British Association of Psychology
· Member of the Institute of Professional Psychologists
I have owned and operated several businesses including:
Olympic Tan. LLC
Olympic Gym. LLC
Real Estate Management Group: REMG. LLC
Cloud 9. LLC
Olympic Fitness and Conditioning. LLC
Olympic Body Building Preparation Centers. LLC
Owned 87 Real Estate Ventures. LLC
Client Centered Consulting. LLC
The Pillars of Excellence: Optimum Performance Coaching and Life Enhancement Technologies. LLC
The Pillars of Excellence: Optimum Performance Consulting. LLC
Pillars Productions. LLC
Pillars Promotions. LLC
Pillars Intelligence Agency. LLC
Pillars Foundation. LLC
Pillars Research and Development. LLC
Pillars Talent Agency. LLC
Pillars Bite-Size Seminars. LLC
Pillars Bite Size Workshops. LLC
Pillars Character Centered Leadership. LLC
I have worked very hard to achieve these credentials and accomplishments, but I must continue to make sure you understand that it is what I do with them that count. This is why I will consistently bring to you real information in many different areas of human performance and development. I hope my joy and happiness show because this is what really makes me the happiest. I promise that I will spend the rest of my life brining to you the most powerful life enhancement technology so you can enjoy life to its fullest!
I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to be such an important part of your life, this is an honor which I will take with pride and make a difference in as many lives as possible!
Keep your eyes open for this extraordinary man! He is really making a name for himself and people are beginning to take notice. I enjoyed my sit down with him, in fact when I left his office I felt like I was transformed just sitting talking with him. He is one of the most charismatic and energetic people I have ever met.
Julie Preston
Saturday, 14 July 2007
The History and Reality of NLP
At the Pillars of Excellence, Dr. John P. DeMann, Founder and Creator, has created a mission that cultivated a culture in the organization where all who are a part of this extraordinary organization believe everyone in the world deserves to have the opportunity to receive the best training possible to enhance the quality, not only of their life, but the quality of other peoples life’s as well. In fact, Dr. DeMann has always made it his dream to one day bring expensive courses like NLP, Hypnosis and other high priced programs to the world where those who need it the most do not have to be sold into buying the course with techniques that bring guilt to those who really can’t afford it. You know the sales pitch we are talking about, it goes like this: “if you can’t find the money, you don’t want it bad enough!”
This tactic is one of the most powerful brainwashing and persuading tactics used in getting people to buy out of guilt and fear that they will be past up by the group if they don’t follow through. This is unfair and we believe it is unethical as hell so we are beginning a war on those who want to take advantage of those who are in the most need of powerful technologies that can change their life. We challenge anyone to say one negative comment about the program we are about to provide all who have always wanted to do the NLP courses, but have not had the funds to get this powerful technology. We even challenge the original creators themselves, why, because since NLP has been created due to current research it is no longer the same program it once was. In fact, it is much better, however this is not because the founders made it so, and it is because finally someone has come along and decided to do the right thing with this powerful technology. They have not only brought the technology up to date with current research, they have also made this astronomically expensive technology affordable for all. Don’t get us wrong, we appreciate the creators and their efforts; however Dr. DeMann believes that they really dropped the ball when they created it because they did absolutely nothing to try and get the technology to grow properly. They failed to operate this product with correct business planning and legal protection that should be used to get the technology to grow and change with the times.
How can this claim be made, first they never took the time to copyright it properly so it could be overseen and developed properly by professionals who are versed in research methods. We are really sorry this never happened, but we are not going to sit on our rumps and do nothing about it, we are taking responsibility for a mistake that should have been corrected a long time ago by its original creators. The truth is the mistakes have been corrected in a very big way by Dr. DeMann who has taken NLP and really overhauled it to make it more effective than it has ever been. He has removed material that has been shown in research to be ineffective and even harmful and added much detail to the technologies that have worked and made them work even better.
In the original creators lack of responsibility they never took the time to make the program respectable in the world of mental health care and personal and professional development. They never tried to get it into the business world where it can turn failing businesses into overnight successes if used appropriately. This is what happens when fortune and fame comes fast as it did for the original creators and no one is there to oversee the irresponsible possibilities that occur when large sums of money come flying in from all directions. The fame part of the problem makes it even worse where no one was there to keep the creators and their entourage grounded during the initial publicity of NLP. If they had done what responsible researchers would have done they would have processed what they created in a professional and proper way so those who used the technology would have had the opportunity to spread new knowledge and research to NLP, but instead they tried to close it off to the masses and keep it all to themselves and in the end relationships were ruined along with the loss of a great technology that had been given birth which if cultivated with the right attention would have created something that today Dr. DeMann has in his extensive research found. Let’s just say Dr. DeMann took off where they left off and has created a step by step process that allows all who take the training, even kids, pass without trouble and has literally created a paint by numbers approach so everyone can use the systems properly and efficiently. Also, Dr. DeMann and the Pillars of Excellence have decided to protect NLP even if they cannot copyright it. They have created a system that allows for all practitioners of this extraordinary technology a way to improve on it as more research comes available that is relevant to NLP and other like technologies that provide the public proper mental health care and personal and professional development.
With that in mind please except Dr. DeMann’s apology to have to bring to light the truth and possibly hurt the feelings of some really bright minds, but in the world of academia there is no room for this type of irresponsible behavior, no matter what the outcome of the neglect brings. In the spirit of knowledge and creation we still thank the creators for what they did do and that was give birth to something that had a great deal of potential. However, this is not the first time this has happened so we will express our greatest appreciation to those who created the initial version of NLP, but it is now time to give the world, all of the technology most are paying in excess of $30,000.00 or more and in pounds approximately £15,000.00. That’s right; you have seen it, the ridiculous price that was being charged using the “smugglers” approach in influence, propaganda and persuasion for only a portion of NLP. We want to remind everyone that in the beginning of NLP and its inception the creators wrote the first volume called: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Volume 1: The Study of Subjective experience with the intention of writing Volume 2, but due to their irresponsibility in research and development they were sidetracked by fame and fortune and failed to complete the second volume which left a subject full of incomplete work. In truth, we believe that NLP was never intended to be completed which gave it its “mystic” feeling where all who wanted the technology would have to go to the creators to learn the rest. In short, the law of scarcity was being used, probably unintentionally, to drive more and more people to learn NLP from the “so called experts.” The problem is no one has ever really completed the project until now.
Today, due to the lack of completion, we now have loads of self proclaimed experts who sell the material at astronomical prices by using the same approach the founders used in the beginning. Since there has been no real academic research behind NLP in its entirety the so called experts can claim whatever they desire which usually falls into the cult like activities that hypnotize people into believing the answers lay in the hands of the few gurus who remain.
Dr. DeMann and the Pillars of Excellence has made it their mission to stop this madness and bring to you, with no sales gimmicks, a way to earn your certifications with pride and dignity where we have completed the research and are proud to say we are continuing the research to make NLP better every day in ways that reflect true academic research method. With us you will not be given myth or theory, you will be given material that has been proven effective and that has been enhanced every time new research is found. In short, we believe that NLP and other personal development technologies must withstand academic scrutiny in order to be given ethically to the public so they can experience workable solutions that have been tested rigorously and proven effective.
The truth is that people were charging the outrageous amounts because people were willing to pay, but this is only one of the reasons people paid that amount. In a moment I will provide you with other reasons people would pay what most could not afford. However, we need to point out that most of the NLP trainers, not all, were using unethical marketing techniques that made one believe they had to have it no matter what the price was. In fact, many of these smugglers would say to the unsuspecting victim; “if you can’t find the money, you must not want it bad enough!” This is a typical guilt trip avenue many sales people use in order to con their victims into purchasing something not worth the price being asked. They would also use the typical approach that would leave the victim needing the next level of training in order to feel like they could use NLP effectively, creating an even more uncontrollable desire to purchase that next level. Some instructors/smugglers would even use the approach that they had the remaining answer to NLP. They did this by using mystical names for their products that created an even more driving need to want to know if it was the answer to all their problems. Of course it helps when the sales force uses psychological techniques that borderline unethical brainwashing technologies that back in the states have laws protecting its citizens from the smuggler who uses this type of influence in unethical ways. In fact, in the states if you think you have been taken advantage of you have a right to return the product no matter what with no questions asked within 3 days of the purchase?
So without any further explanation it is time to provide you with a special that you will not want to miss. We have decided to bring to an end the craziness of the “NLP rip off” that is now in full swing in the UK and other parts of the world. How would you like to have, no matter your financial situation or other predicaments, the opportunity to get all the NLP Certifications and other amazing tools at extraordinary prices and workable time structures without having to ask your employer for the time off or if you own your own business have the ability to not miss work? We have even heard of people having to quit their jobs so they could attend one of the NLP programs because the NLP organization put themselves in front of the client. Now there will be no reason to take time off, quit your job or go broke getting proper certification! Also how would you like to have an extraordinary support structure that when you are done you will not just be certified by Dr. DeMann and the Pillars of Excellence, but by 4 major certification boards, listed below, where you will be recognized as a leading expert in the field of personal and professional development. You are also getting the only NLP training that has been fully accredited and approved to provide continuing education credit. Our NLP training is CEU accredited!!!
We have created the training program so there are two options available for you to choose from; one is done during the afternoon from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and then on two consecutive weekends from 9:00am to 6pm. The other option is provided at night from 6:00pm to 10:00pm and then on two consecutive weekends from 9:00am to 6:00pm. We have also done this so that each group graduates on the same day so everyone can connect to create their own practice groups and work on their skills. You will also receive the only NLP after care program that raises a person’s ability to use the subject learned 667% more effectively than the typical NLP training organization. Now there are no excuses, no reasons to take work off or if you want instead of asking for a full week off you can work in the morning. Either way you are covered. We also have built into the system a way to make up days so if for any reason you have to miss a day or two you can make them up immediately and graduate with your class.
We also have pride in our teaching ability on the fact that not one person has ever failed our courses. Why? Many organizations pride themselves on their failure rate, we believe if a student should ever fail a course we teach it is the teacher’s responsibility and failure to reach that student and this is why we have the top NLP instructors in the world. The reason people pass our training is because it reflects on our instructors, Dr. John P. DeMann has trained all of them personally so he has created a consistent program of teaching where the instructor MUST use training lesson plans that are to be followed to the “T”. Dr. DeMann is by far the best in the industry and we say this with pride as he is gaining the reputation of being the one who is taking a billion dollar training industry that has really failed and has begun turning it around using his special technology of teaching so all training can be done with greater success rates.
Dr. DeMann has more degrees then a thermometer, but as we all know, that does not tell us a thing unless he has the ability to use what he has learned and in this case teach it effectively to others so they too can use it effectively. This he has proven, having yet to fail a student, Dr. DeMann has a 100% success rate, But we do want to say that anyone who rejects higher education and says it is not really needed, is only trying to cover up their own lack of education. We say that higher education cannot hurt. In fact, Dr. DeMann has always prided his work on research and one thing is for sure, he does not allow any information to pass on to his customers unless the information has been truly and successfully shown to work in studies approved by university standards. In short, you are going to be given research backed material that you can back up when you teach it; which is the one part that brings credibility to any topic of study. You can also be proud when you complete the courses because we hold the highest level of standards in the industry.
To show you how important this is, the Pillars of Excellence and Dr. DeMann believes money back guarantees are really a minimum in terms of what a client should get in receiving compensation for their efforts when they feel they have not received what was promised. We believe time is also important so what we will do for you is not only provide you a full refund if you are dissatisfied with the program, in any way, we will also remit your salary you would have made if you were at work instead. This also holds for those who attend the night training, for example even if they work during the day and have not missed any work you will get a refund. Why would we do something so generous, because at the Pillars of Excellence YOU WILL LEARN THE MATERIAL TO A LEVEL THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO SUCCEED! We also know that people who get quality training will never jeopardize the opportunity to receive training from that company or organization in the future if they are satisfied the first time. This is the best guarantee in the personal and professional development industries by far!
The success rate of our students is 100% in 23 years of business! Does this mean we are perfect? No, in fact we have had complaints, but because we are doing this for the right reasons we always have the solution to fix any problem. Why? Because we use the technology that we teach! Failure is not failure unless you do nothing about it. Failure is truly feedback and will allow you to become the best you can be if you put to use the natural principles in the courses designed by Dr. DeMann. Below are the program dates for the NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Teach the Teacher programs we are offering.
On August 3 thru August 5: NLP Practitioner Certification $999.00 or in pounds approximately £497.00 depending on the exchange rate of the day.
On August 6 thru August 9: NLP Master Practitioner Certification $1,499.00 or in pounds approximately £746.00 depending on the exchange rate of the day.
On August 10 thru August 12: NLP Teach the Teacher for $999.00 or in pounds approximately £497.00 depending on the exchange rate of the day.
We are also offering the unprecedented offer of a lifetime for NLP training:
On August 3 thru August 12 we are providing the “NLP TOTAL PACKAGE” where you receive all the NLP training Certification; NLP Practitioner Certification, NLP Master Practitioner Certification, NLP Train the Trainer Certification for ONLY $2,500.00 or in pounds approximately £1,243.00 depending on the exchange rate of the day.
You might be asking, “ Why is this such a good deal, there must be something to this that I am not seeing or that they are going to spring on me at the last minute. Let us tell you right now, this is no gimmick and it is our policy at the Pillars of Excellence training that there is to be no selling tactics during training and we take this serious. We believe if training is good it will sell itself by word of mouth. Now obviously you are receiving this advertisement, but how else do we get the word out. The idea is that when you pay for a class with the Pillars of Excellence we believe every minute of that class is yours and if we spend anytime selling you other products or if we leave you needing more to complete the job, like so many of the organizations do, we are not doing our job.
As you can see we are not afraid of being up front and honest about the process of the smugglers in this business and we will always do our best to inform you of their unethical tactics. We commit to give you quality training so you can apply what you receive in our courses to improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you!
Let us share with you some more of the credentials you will be able to associate with when you complete our training and some of our credentials:
The American Association for Higher Education, located in Washington DC
The World Wide Web Chamber Of Commerce
Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc.
The International Distance Educator's Association
The Florida Distance Learning Association
The United States Distance Learning Association
The International Society for Investigative and Forensic Hypnosis
We are affiliated with the oldest continuing, and most prestigious hypnosis organization in the world The British Association of Therapeutic Hypnotists founded in 1950-1 in the UK
The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy located in Canada
The Australian and Spanish Hypnotherapy Associations
The UK’s Psychological Society
Pebble Hills University
We at the Pillars of Excellence hope this information will allow you to make a more informed decision as our goal is for all who associate with our organization to receive only the best of information available. Please consider joining us in making this world a more ethical and prosperous place for all to live. Let’s send the message to anyone who thinks they can come to the UK or any part of the world and take advantage of anyone in need or those just wanting to live a more productive and fulfilling life.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Exercise of The Day: Building Self-Regard
With each exercise I will also try to show how emotional intelligence is being used in different areas of life. Today I want to show you how it is used in the hiring process at one of the most successful airlines in the world. To protect the airlines process I will not mention who it is, but just try to see why they employ the process explained and see how you can see how it can influence your life in a positive way.
The airline I am speaking of believes the power of emotional intelligence so much one of their first job interview activities is one that clears out most of the applicants in one swoop. The exercise has the applicants give a talk for 2 minutes about themselves. During the talk you would think that the Human Resource employees conducting the interview would be listening to the speeches, but instead they are watching the individuals watching the speakers.
The reason for this is to determine who is paying attention and who is showing positive regard for the speaker. The look that they are seeking is one that is supportive as this would indicate that the person wants the other to succeed. This requires great self-regard which is very important in having a high level of emotional intelligence. To develop self regard answer the following questions. Again this is the first of three exercises that we will be doing to help you develop self-regard:
1. Describe something you would like to accomplish that would make you feel really good about yourself?
2. What would you have to think of yourself to accomplish your goal?
3. What emotions/feelings would you have to change to achieve the above goal?
4. How will you have to act to make the goal above come true?
5. Ask yourself; what has kept me from thinking, feeling, and acting in these ways up to this point in my life?
Have fun, but be serious when answering the above questions. It is best to take your time and read the questions first then after thinking about them and letting your mind chew on them for a bit go ahead and answer them. Do not worry about perfection, answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. If you are having trouble answering any of them just give yourself more time and allow your thoughts to flow. Relax and the answers will eventually come, but make sure you relax.
One more thing, as I always say with all programs I deliver, it is important to not just answer the questions, you need to act on them. Knowledge is only potential power, knowledge put to use is power. Put to use the answers to the questions and you will find your self-regard growing day by day.
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Quantum Physics: Is It The True Nature of Success?
Journal of Human Potential
JHP: Volume 1 Issue 11
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D.
In this Journal Article for the Journal of Human Potential I am going to look into the laws of Quantum Success. Now, please understand that Quantum Physics in the area of personal and professional development have some questions to be answered before we can take It as fact, but I think we can all agree that our conscious and unconscious mind have great power. Our unconscious mind has extraordinary power over our lives and the fact remains that if we can use the power of the conscious and unconscious minds we can do extraordinary things. I think we can all agree that to control our unconscious mind we need to use our conscious mind to change the triggers that have been created during our lifetime of experiences.
Becoming involved consciously in your personal growth is what we really want and at the Pillars of Excellence it is the foundation of our approach. No one ever won a battle unconsciously, Caesar never took victory from his opponents from his unconscious mind nor did he become the leader of Rome. The same is true for Alexander the Great. He took the world knowingly with a conscious plan. Knowing this let us now show you how to take your strengths with you on your journey and use them consciously and pounce on every opportunity to become the person you want to become. Anyone who has experienced great success first created that success in their mind before any action was taken. But notice that once they created what it was they wanted action was the main part that made them succeed. I cannot stress this enough, take action after you create what you want!
In Quantum Success we have all seen the idea of using a dream board as a way to get the life we are seeking, but I am a little skeptical of this. I am not saying don’t do it I am only saying I think it may be a way for humans to NOT think about what they want. You see we use task lists to let go of what it is we need to do and I believe we often use dream boards the same way. They allow us to put off the outcome we seek. Thinking is not an easy task, so if I ask a client to think about their perfect day every day for one week the average number of days they tell me they get the exercise in is 3. This means it is hard to do many things consistently like it is when we exercise physically as an example.
Let’s look at some of the laws that exist in the quantum world and personal growth/development. First however please know that when I say personal growth I am also speaking of professional growth as well. They all go hand in hand and the way I see it if you are improving the quality of your life then you must be improving your professional life as well. Now on with the important laws that we must know if we truly want to use the quantum world in our life to live the life we want to live.
The first law of success is the Law of Manifestation: This law demonstrates how something comes into being. It is really that part of creation that says creation is started in the mind first as Robert collier noted when he said: “The primal cause is mind. Everything must start with an idea. Every event, every condition, everything is first an idea in the mind.” Wow, that to me is so basic that I think sometimes we forget that our minds are the starting point of all creation. Look around you today and see what the mind has done. It has created beautiful homes, buildings, statues, paintings and it has also created extraordinary businesses, computers, technologies that make our life much more simple and safe. There are many more examples, but I think you get the point.
The second law is the Law of Magnetism: This law states that we attract what we put out. This is seen in emotions when we are affected by other people’s emotions or they are affected by ours. What happens when we are around someone who is always complaining about the work they do? It makes you start to focus on all the bad that you experience at work. We also see this when we are around more positive people they begin to rub off on us as we do on them. I like what Ernest Holmes said: “Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere and through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind.” Another example is the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. He says, “We need to tend the garden of our mind.” The point is that if we are not aware of our thoughts, as many of us are not, we allow the weeds of others thinking to trap us into their way of thinking which is often negative. But, if we tend to the thoughts of our minds we will attract others if the thoughts we think are attractive. Our thinking can truly act as a magnet so if we consciously think attractive thoughts we will attract attractive thinking people.
The next law is the Law of Pure Desire: When we are motivated by pure intention we can be assured of beneficial outcomes. The tip of the tongue phenomenon says that we know what it is we want to say, but we just cannot get it out because we are not able to remember what it is we want to remember. We see this when we are trying to remember a name along with a group. It becomes a competition so we become stressed and when that happens all the blood leaves the brain and goes to the limbs and organs to fight the stress and we cannot think. Then several hours later we all of the sudden remember the name. This happens even if we are not thinking about it because when we ask our mind a question it remembers the question. The reason we remember the name is because we become relaxed, we usually remember the name as we are lying in bed or watching TV or doing something that is relaxing that has allowed the brain to receive blood to be able to think. The point is that when we are relaxed and thinking about pure thoughts we receive pure answers. If we are relaxed and we are thinking about what we want in life we will receive an answer that is of pure desire.
The forth law is the Law of Paradoxical Intent: Desperation pushes away that which one is trying to get. Desperation is negative energy and that negative energy is what creates repulsion. This is why it is called the paradoxical intent, you want something, but because the desire is so intense it becomes a desperate need and in that desperation people will throw off a negative energy that gives others the feeling that something about the person is wrong. In other words the desperation gives you the opposite. This is one of the reasons money is often so elusive. We all want to be rich, to have a life that is filled with luxuries and we often get stuck thinking about having all that stuff and it gets us desperate for having. The truth is wanting to be rich never works, if you ever want to have a lot or an abundance of anything the intent to have it must come from a true desire to help others or give others a better life. Anyone who says their intent is to be rich never seems to ever get rich, but those who say they are compelled to help others or create things that help others in certain ways are usually the ones who receive abundance.
The fifth law is the Law of Harmony: This law states that we must be in balance. It really is very simple to understand, but for many it is very hard to get. The Pillars of Excellence was created for the purpose of creating harmony in your life. We are all made of the same ingredients, in other words we all have a spiritual nature, physical nature and mental nature. We are also emotional and social beings who want to establish connection with those around themselves and with their environment. We as humans need to know we are giving back in some way so we also have a service need and finally we are all in need of leading. You see this with people wanting to be able to have the ability to make their own choices. The short of it is to be successful in life we must have success in all areas, not just one or two. For example; if you had all the money you could ever spend, but you were so unhealthy you could not go and experience life physically you would not experience life to its fullest. The point here is to get into living a full life that focuses on caring for all parts of life not just those parts that look appealing, sometimes we need to do those things that are not as fun as other activities, but to experience those great desires we must be fit in the not so great parts of life.
The next law is The Law of Right Action: This law says that if we want to experience life in ways that supports value, honor, and dignity we must act in ways that support value, honor and dignity. Here is where I think we find ourselves in terms of who we really are. This is also one of the most difficult areas of life that most people have to deal with. Looking at this from the Law of Harmony we can say that doing activities that are good for us, others and the environment creates harmony, but the only way that this can happen is in right action. We must do right if we want good to come to us. The Law of Right Action is best applied looking at Seligman’s 24 character strengths and virtues. I speak of these in my book and in Soteria. For the sake of understanding this law, just understand that if we ever want to live life in a way that supports happiness we must make sure we keep a watchful eye on what we think and do and make sure that our thoughts and actions are in line with natural law and principle.
The final law we will seek to understand is the Law of Expanding Influence: Throughout history those who have succeeded are the ones that could influence others and themselves. The sad truth is that many do not understand the influence they do have in the world. We all have the ability to influence the world in big ways, but it is only those who are bold enough to take a stab at influencing themselves and others that are the ones who will make a difference in the world. Look at the leaders of the world; are they not able to use the power of influence to get others to follow? Natural law says that inside each of us there are built in laws that make us get along; one of these laws is the law of reciprocation. Here if we are given something or someone helps another in some way they get a feeling, a driving desire or force to reciprocate the favor. This is one of the most powerful laws of human nature. The Pillars of Excellence: Six Laws of Influence teaches you how to use the 6 natural laws of influence to enhance the quality of your life and the life of others. When you understand how to influence others and the environment you begin to expand the influence you have in life. In other words the more you begin to consciously influence your own world the more influence you have and the more power you create in your own life. When you use influence properly you also begin to expand the number of people you influence and that means you become a driving force in nature where you can really make a difference in the world.
Understanding the above laws and implementing them can have extraordinary effects on you and your environment. Remember what I said above and what I say in all my programs; if you learn anything, but you fail to use what you learn it is as if you never learned the information in the first place. To not use what you learn is one of the biggest problems people have in life. We love comfort and change does not feel comfortable. I always believe that the level of discomfort you are willing to experience in life is directly proportionate to the level of success you will ever experience as well. In short, the more discomfort you can handle the more success you will experience. Use what you learn and life will give you rewards beyond your wildest dreams. Life is supposed to be adventurous, but no one ever said life was going to be easy. The day I decided to use everything I learned was the day I felt very uncomfortable, but it was also the day that life began rewarding me with the fruits that are waiting for all of us who try new things. Let me know how these 7 Laws work for you and always remember that life is supposed to be an adventure so go out and be a leader of life and experience the fruits that effort provides!
John P. DeMann, Ph.D., MPPC, CPEC, ICF, PCC, M.Insp.Psy