Sunday, 5 August 2007

NLP Pattern: Well-Formed Outcome Pattern

We are going to look at a series of Patterns that can help create change in your life. We will be providing step by step instructions for how to run the brain and create the change we need to make in order to achieve human excellence. My interest in life is the creation of human excellence and I have found the best and most effective way to attain excellence in any activity is to model it. This allows us to take a short cut and learn from others who have attained what we want to attain.

In the coaching style approach to change we focus on the outcome. Outcome thinking is really a powerful approach to change and is one of the best ways to fin achievement in life.

I wrote once that Flow is attained when one knows what they are after and that the actions taken to achieve the outcome are actions that are taking one closer to the desired outcome. This allows us to feel as if we are productive and when this state is attained we simply can't help, but to feel like we are making progress.

Outcome based thinking is only the start and you must realize that with outcome based thinking we must know the actions needed to attain the outcome. The actions we need to take can be considered the patterns, I also call a set of action steps the model. Let us consider a pattern we can use to achieve an outcome, we call the pattern a Well-Formed Outcome Pattern. Below I have provided you a step by step approach that you can use to achieve any outcome you desire. I suggest that you do this for all activities in life and first thing everyday I would suggest you look at your desired outcome and review it. I would also suggest you determine the emotions or the state you will be in when you attain the outcome. The truth is that you will feel the state everyday as long as you are moving toward the outcome by taking the steps in the Well-Formed Outcome Pattern:

1. State the outcome in the positive: There is something to be said about positive thinking as research shows that those who are positive have a much higher success rate in achieving their goals.

2. State what you can do and maintain in order to attain the outcome: Here is the place you want to decide what actions you must take to achieve the outcome. It is important that you find daily actions that will take you closer to the outcome, this is what will allow you to experience the state you desire experience when you attain the outcome, but this will allow you to have the experience now!

3. Contextualize when, where and with whom: Make the outcome very clear. This means to be sure to have detail in the pattern so you know when it will be achieved, where it will happen and who else will be involved.

4. State in sensory-based words: State what you will see, hear and feel. The more emotion you add to your pattern the more likely you will achieve the outcome. If you have any experience with my teachings you know that I believe that goals are emotions that we seek. To attain any desired outcome we need to know what it is we are after in terms of emotions. All goals have a emotional base to them.

5. Sequence the goal into bite-sized steps and stages: Many do not reach their goals because they are too big. Sometimes people do not attain their goals because they are too small. The idea here is to make sure that the goal actions are set up in sequence and chunked down so it feels like you can achieve the goal.

6. Load up your goal description and plan with plenty of resources: Determine the resources you will need to attain the goal. This includes material and emotional needs. Do you have the confidence, the financial backing, the support etc.

7. Specify your evidence for fulfillment: Determine how you will know you have reached the goal. Also set up a way to know that you are moving towards your goal by making daily plans and make sure you follow these plans so you know each day you are making progress. This is very important because it allows you to feel like you are making progress which will motivate you to continue moving to attain the outcome you desire.

8. Make it compelling: Is the goal you seek compelling, in other words is it important to you, does it excite you.

9. Check for ecology: Does the goal fit with other goals you have? Does the goal meet your values? Will the goal enhance your life, empower you, empower others?

There you have it! Using the Pattern above for yourself and for others if you are in the helping profession provides a way to quality control objectives. If you use what you have learned I promise you will experience results that will make your desired goals a reality. Start now and use this pattern for something simple, but meaningful and see for yourself the power it holds.

I look forward to providing you many more patterns so please remember to keep a look out for more to come. I will provide over 70 of them and they will help you manage your life in a more organized and fulfilling way.

1 comment:

KellyCoinGuy said...

I find that actually visualizing yourself in the future having met the goal, and then checking for internal congruence in that state is a helpful addition to this pattern.