Thursday, 28 October 2010


By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D., CPEC, PPC, and ISSA.

To attain any outcome you desire we have found common patterns for those whose are successful. When I went out to research this I wanted to find those who had made radical changes in their life. I looked in one of the best places to find those seeking change, the gym. The great news is I interviewed several hundred people and I had them describe to me the process and it was very interesting what I found. I was able to put together a pattern that I know works. The following is that pattern and I want you to remember this patter will work if you put it to use.

1. Identify a function or behavior that you want.
2. Identify an opposite behavior you know disempowers you
3. Create a scenario using the empowering behavior
4. Create a scenario using the disempowering behavior
5. Notice in detain the difference in terms of pain and pleasure and in terms of future effects.
6. Future pace: Practice using the empowering behavior in the mind several times before going to bed and arising in the morning. Do this for 20 to 30 days to internalize your new behavior.
7. Act on it in real life situations.

I want you to get the spirit of acting out what you want to get done. This has been shown in research that mental rehearsal actually works and that champion athletes use it daily and seriously. It’s important to get the image as real as possible by getting as many of the senses involved. At some future date we can go into detail about the details of imaging, but for now it’s important to just do it.

I hope the above information can help you improve the quality of your life and the lives of others you have contact with. I also want to point out that the best way to learn is to teach so teach this to as many people as you can. Don’t get embarrassed just keep telling yourself you are helping them so if they want to make fun of your enthusiasm they are the ones who should be ridiculed. For now go to work and remember the spirit of learning is using and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

In Learning and Living,

Dr. John Paul DeMann

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