Hello folks!
I wanted to let you know we are in the process of creating a new web-site that will be easy to use and will be up to date as to the services we provide.
I am looking forward to getting this done to provide our clients the best service possible.
In Life and Learning,
Dr. J.P. DeMann
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Join Me In a Very Important Meeting
Where is personal development going and where does it need to be headed. Today we are seeing a true miss-direction and more important a non-growth in the research in developing the field of personal development. It is currently in the hands of people who really have no idea as to how to develop the field and there seriously needs to be a real change in the process of developing serious research in the field.
The following is what I believe is lacking in the field, but I want to create an on-line convention of experts who want to help develop a more serious approach to the development of quality in the process of giving the public a serious procedure in making it more professional. I will set up the convention with some of the ideas I have come up with, but I will make sure anyone willing to get involved to help develop the field in such a way it gives it more credibility where it can be turned over to academia so it can get the real attention it needs. I believe it needs to be seriously considered and more research given to the field. This is my goal, it will be my lives work and that is what I committed to in my education and promise to my professional attention to really make a difference in the field.
The following is some of the ideas I have come up with in regards to more attention, but I believe more input from qualified others as committed to the development of personal development. We in the field need to get serious about creating a researched and developed process for people to improve the quality of their lives and to reach their true potential. I also want to point out in the 25 plus years of my work in this area and my work in my dissertation has helped me to find real solutions to the personal development arena.
•Spiritual Development:
•Physical Development
•Mental development
•Emotional Development
•Social Development
•Service Development
•Leadership/Professional Development
•Love/Connection Development
•Financial Development
•Life Mastery and Excellence Development
In the above areas I have left out what I have found to be helpful because I also believe that each of us need something a little different, something more personal, in creating what will work for each individual. With this in mind let’s get together and begin to work on developing something more credible.
There are a lot of great ideas, but as I have said many times I believe in an eclectic approach so this is the main purpose to get more people involved. One way to do this is to ask each of you to express your ideas by writing an essay on what you have found that has worked for you.
I have selected each of you personally because I know you personally believe in personal development and I have seen your ideas which I believe are in-line with where this field needs to go. So with this said I ask that you please set aside the time to attend the on-line convention so we can discuss where to go from here. Positive psychology have done a great job moving in a direction that is helpful, but it has not done such a great job in making it useful in disseminating it to others. It’s done what most academic topics do and that is to keep it closely guarded and untouchable for those who are not in the academic field.
Now is the time for all of us to show those who want to guard psychology from practical applications that it’s time to move in a more applicable direction. Below I have provided a date and time for the first of several meetings. I also want to ask anyone who wants to get more involved to help facilitate this process. Anyone interested to present their own ideas please contact me at john@7poe.com and we can discuss how to get your ideas into the mix.
I look forward to the future in truly making personal development a real topic that will be respected for its effectiveness to help others become more than they ever dreamed possible.
In Life and Learning,
Dr. John P. DeMann
Dr. John DeMann invites you to attend this online meeting.
Topic: Direction of Personal Development
Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 732 581 011
Meeting Password: kayfab
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to https://7poe.webex.com/7poe/j.php?ED=140220602&UID=951271627&PW=NYWYxYjQxYzQw&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: kayfab
4. Click "Join".
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Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Access code:732 581 011
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1. Go to https://7poe.webex.com/7poe/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".
You can contact me at:
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, discuss your concerns with the meeting host prior to the start of the recording or do not join the session. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation.
The Pillars of Excellence
5110 Savanah Run
Cummings, GA
The following is what I believe is lacking in the field, but I want to create an on-line convention of experts who want to help develop a more serious approach to the development of quality in the process of giving the public a serious procedure in making it more professional. I will set up the convention with some of the ideas I have come up with, but I will make sure anyone willing to get involved to help develop the field in such a way it gives it more credibility where it can be turned over to academia so it can get the real attention it needs. I believe it needs to be seriously considered and more research given to the field. This is my goal, it will be my lives work and that is what I committed to in my education and promise to my professional attention to really make a difference in the field.
The following is some of the ideas I have come up with in regards to more attention, but I believe more input from qualified others as committed to the development of personal development. We in the field need to get serious about creating a researched and developed process for people to improve the quality of their lives and to reach their true potential. I also want to point out in the 25 plus years of my work in this area and my work in my dissertation has helped me to find real solutions to the personal development arena.
•Spiritual Development:
•Physical Development
•Mental development
•Emotional Development
•Social Development
•Service Development
•Leadership/Professional Development
•Love/Connection Development
•Financial Development
•Life Mastery and Excellence Development
In the above areas I have left out what I have found to be helpful because I also believe that each of us need something a little different, something more personal, in creating what will work for each individual. With this in mind let’s get together and begin to work on developing something more credible.
There are a lot of great ideas, but as I have said many times I believe in an eclectic approach so this is the main purpose to get more people involved. One way to do this is to ask each of you to express your ideas by writing an essay on what you have found that has worked for you.
I have selected each of you personally because I know you personally believe in personal development and I have seen your ideas which I believe are in-line with where this field needs to go. So with this said I ask that you please set aside the time to attend the on-line convention so we can discuss where to go from here. Positive psychology have done a great job moving in a direction that is helpful, but it has not done such a great job in making it useful in disseminating it to others. It’s done what most academic topics do and that is to keep it closely guarded and untouchable for those who are not in the academic field.
Now is the time for all of us to show those who want to guard psychology from practical applications that it’s time to move in a more applicable direction. Below I have provided a date and time for the first of several meetings. I also want to ask anyone who wants to get more involved to help facilitate this process. Anyone interested to present their own ideas please contact me at john@7poe.com and we can discuss how to get your ideas into the mix.
I look forward to the future in truly making personal development a real topic that will be respected for its effectiveness to help others become more than they ever dreamed possible.
In Life and Learning,
Dr. John P. DeMann
Dr. John DeMann invites you to attend this online meeting.
Topic: Direction of Personal Development
Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 732 581 011
Meeting Password: kayfab
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to https://7poe.webex.com/7poe/j.php?ED=140220602&UID=951271627&PW=NYWYxYjQxYzQw&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: kayfab
4. Click "Join".
To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
To join the audio conference only
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Access code:732 581 011
For assistance
1. Go to https://7poe.webex.com/7poe/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".
You can contact me at:
To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link:
The playback of UCF (Universal Communications Format) rich media files requires appropriate players. To view this type of rich media files in the meeting, please check whether you have the players installed on your computer by going to https://7poe.webex.com/7poe/systemdiagnosis.php
Sign up for a free trial of WebEx
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, discuss your concerns with the meeting host prior to the start of the recording or do not join the session. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation.
The Pillars of Excellence
5110 Savanah Run
Cummings, GA
Where is Personal Development Going?
I am so concerned as to the direction personal development is going. in fact I am afraid it is going no where.
I would like to get others together to really define where we should be going with the field and it is about time we begin to push for academia to start taking this idea seriously.
I will be holding an on-line conversation that I would like to get others interested in attending who would like to see more research done in the field of personal development.
Lets get real, personal development, if given the right amount of attention, can do much more then psychology has done over the past 100 years.
I look forward to hearing from you and I will keep you informed as to the times and dates I will be setting up the on-line seminars that will allow us to get the conversation going.
In Life and Learning,
Dr. John P. DeMann
I would like to get others together to really define where we should be going with the field and it is about time we begin to push for academia to start taking this idea seriously.
I will be holding an on-line conversation that I would like to get others interested in attending who would like to see more research done in the field of personal development.
Lets get real, personal development, if given the right amount of attention, can do much more then psychology has done over the past 100 years.
I look forward to hearing from you and I will keep you informed as to the times and dates I will be setting up the on-line seminars that will allow us to get the conversation going.
In Life and Learning,
Dr. John P. DeMann
Monday, 29 November 2010
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D.
I have always been interested in why we do what we do. I have often asked why some would do something when in other cases they would not. This question got me to think about and research the idea of influence in an organized way so I could give you some really powerful tools to, not only get more from life, but to protect yourselves as well from those who use the power of influence to get something from you.
Let’s consider the first rule; the fixed action pattern. These involve certain predictable behaviors that we, as well as animals do, when we receive a certain trigger. What’s interesting is the trigger is often something very small. There are two important things we need to understand about fixed action patterns: First it’s observable that the fixed action pattern work very predictably. Second, humans can also be triggered to act in predictable ways both good and bad.
We need to remember that our fixed action patterns are often necessary for our survival, but because we are not living in in the same environment we use to many of these patterns often end up hurting us. One of these fixed action patterns that can hurt us is shortcuts. Humans have made it a part of their automatic behavior to find shortcuts to complete a task and in doing this we often fall prey to the negative outcome. Termed judgmental heuristics these can be seen when we shop for something and we equate expensive equal’s good rule. This may be true, but let’s tell a story where it was not: A store owner going on vacation wanted to get rid of an item so she wrote a note to the manager asking her to cut the price in half. However, when she wrote the note the manager she thought it said to double the price. The items before the price change had not moved, but when the manager doubled the price the items sold out.
Another important example of the power of influence is the real-estate company that used the concept of contrast. This company maintained a couple of properties that were used to show first. These were very run down and overpriced. Once the customer saw these they were then shown the real properties which were in much better condition and offered at a better price. You can imagine how powerful this tool was, it sold homes much faster. The power of contrast can be used in many areas of life. If for example you have some bad news to tell someone if we use the compare principle we see if we can find news that is much worse than the one we have to give it makes sense to give the worse news first.
Another influence factor is that of authority. We are much more apt to buy from an expert. We see this in the medical field. We will buy what the person of authority tells us to buy. Do you know how many people die each year because they believed that the person with authority were right? We see this in advertisements all the time. People who seem to have the authority are the ones selling it.
Another rule is that we are more likely to buy from someone we like. However the most powerful rule here is that we will repay what others have done for us. This can be seen when someone offers you something free and later they ask you to buy something. If you accepted the gift the chances of you buying go up, even if you don’t like the person. Obligation seems to be the most powerful of the influence principles.
There are several laws of influence that can be used in what we do including the control of our own behavior. Have you ever got up and walked to the refrigerator even though you are not hungry? We all have and the truth is there was a trigger that caused it. Becoming aware of the triggers and being able to control the triggers will help us navigate more successfully through life. Imagine being able to instill these triggers yourself and creating automatic behaviors that will help you reach your goals. Imagine how these laws can help you sell your product or yourself.
If you would like to learn how to use all the rules of influence to improve the quality of your life we are holding several on-line seminars. The cost of the seminar is very inexpensive for what you will gain. The cost is$ 99.00 US. If money is tight we offer flexible payment plans that are interest free that will allow you to learn this information stress free. If you are interested please email me at john@7poe.com with a date and general time that will work for you and I will get you set up on the day and time that will work best for you.
In Learning,
John Paul DeMann
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D.
I have always been interested in why we do what we do. I have often asked why some would do something when in other cases they would not. This question got me to think about and research the idea of influence in an organized way so I could give you some really powerful tools to, not only get more from life, but to protect yourselves as well from those who use the power of influence to get something from you.
Let’s consider the first rule; the fixed action pattern. These involve certain predictable behaviors that we, as well as animals do, when we receive a certain trigger. What’s interesting is the trigger is often something very small. There are two important things we need to understand about fixed action patterns: First it’s observable that the fixed action pattern work very predictably. Second, humans can also be triggered to act in predictable ways both good and bad.
We need to remember that our fixed action patterns are often necessary for our survival, but because we are not living in in the same environment we use to many of these patterns often end up hurting us. One of these fixed action patterns that can hurt us is shortcuts. Humans have made it a part of their automatic behavior to find shortcuts to complete a task and in doing this we often fall prey to the negative outcome. Termed judgmental heuristics these can be seen when we shop for something and we equate expensive equal’s good rule. This may be true, but let’s tell a story where it was not: A store owner going on vacation wanted to get rid of an item so she wrote a note to the manager asking her to cut the price in half. However, when she wrote the note the manager she thought it said to double the price. The items before the price change had not moved, but when the manager doubled the price the items sold out.
Another important example of the power of influence is the real-estate company that used the concept of contrast. This company maintained a couple of properties that were used to show first. These were very run down and overpriced. Once the customer saw these they were then shown the real properties which were in much better condition and offered at a better price. You can imagine how powerful this tool was, it sold homes much faster. The power of contrast can be used in many areas of life. If for example you have some bad news to tell someone if we use the compare principle we see if we can find news that is much worse than the one we have to give it makes sense to give the worse news first.
Another influence factor is that of authority. We are much more apt to buy from an expert. We see this in the medical field. We will buy what the person of authority tells us to buy. Do you know how many people die each year because they believed that the person with authority were right? We see this in advertisements all the time. People who seem to have the authority are the ones selling it.
Another rule is that we are more likely to buy from someone we like. However the most powerful rule here is that we will repay what others have done for us. This can be seen when someone offers you something free and later they ask you to buy something. If you accepted the gift the chances of you buying go up, even if you don’t like the person. Obligation seems to be the most powerful of the influence principles.
There are several laws of influence that can be used in what we do including the control of our own behavior. Have you ever got up and walked to the refrigerator even though you are not hungry? We all have and the truth is there was a trigger that caused it. Becoming aware of the triggers and being able to control the triggers will help us navigate more successfully through life. Imagine being able to instill these triggers yourself and creating automatic behaviors that will help you reach your goals. Imagine how these laws can help you sell your product or yourself.
If you would like to learn how to use all the rules of influence to improve the quality of your life we are holding several on-line seminars. The cost of the seminar is very inexpensive for what you will gain. The cost is$ 99.00 US. If money is tight we offer flexible payment plans that are interest free that will allow you to learn this information stress free. If you are interested please email me at john@7poe.com with a date and general time that will work for you and I will get you set up on the day and time that will work best for you.
In Learning,
John Paul DeMann
Saturday, 27 November 2010
5 Ways to Stay in Shape for the Holidays
5 Ways to Stay In Shape for the Holidays
Cumming, GA – Halloween is over, the gravestones and zombie hands are gone from the front lawn, and icicle lights and reindeer are being put up early once again. Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the way, and while we all look forward to the holiday cheer, you might be worried about the extra pounds from all the upcoming turkey dinners.
We asked the experts at the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to tell us the 5 most effective ways to stay in shape over those dangerously delicious holiday months.
If you haven’t heard of the ISSA, they are the organization that literally teaches the nation’s top personal trainers how to get their clients into shape. Below is what the
Technical support staff of the trainers to the personal trainers told us on how to avoid weight gain and maintain a state of fitness throughout the winter holidays:
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a
1% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – fast food just isn’t good for your body. Regardless of what the high-powered advertising agencies tell you. Fast food has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. Sure, you’ll be getting calories from those holiday dinners, but at least there’s some nutritional content in a home cooked meal.
3. Exercise every day – Old research said you must exercise 30 minutes a day, but the latest experts suggest this just isn’t enough. What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily.
4. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Yes, you heard that right! Not only does eating small frequent meals throughout the day level out your blood sugar and decrease the lows you may experience throughout the day, but eating sensibly, and often, will provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day.
5. Reduce your calories by 300 per day (if over daily amount) – There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. So if you cut your calories by 300 per day, times 30 days in a month, that is a 9000 calorie deficit -- approximately 2 ½ half pounds. Combine this with exercise, and you are virtually guaranteed to win the fight against the fat that comes with Grandma’s Chocolate Oreo Mudslide Cheesecake.
Dr. John P DeMann, ISSA
Cumming, GA – Halloween is over, the gravestones and zombie hands are gone from the front lawn, and icicle lights and reindeer are being put up early once again. Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the way, and while we all look forward to the holiday cheer, you might be worried about the extra pounds from all the upcoming turkey dinners.
We asked the experts at the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to tell us the 5 most effective ways to stay in shape over those dangerously delicious holiday months.
If you haven’t heard of the ISSA, they are the organization that literally teaches the nation’s top personal trainers how to get their clients into shape. Below is what the
Technical support staff of the trainers to the personal trainers told us on how to avoid weight gain and maintain a state of fitness throughout the winter holidays:
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a
1% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – fast food just isn’t good for your body. Regardless of what the high-powered advertising agencies tell you. Fast food has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. Sure, you’ll be getting calories from those holiday dinners, but at least there’s some nutritional content in a home cooked meal.
3. Exercise every day – Old research said you must exercise 30 minutes a day, but the latest experts suggest this just isn’t enough. What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily.
4. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Yes, you heard that right! Not only does eating small frequent meals throughout the day level out your blood sugar and decrease the lows you may experience throughout the day, but eating sensibly, and often, will provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day.
5. Reduce your calories by 300 per day (if over daily amount) – There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. So if you cut your calories by 300 per day, times 30 days in a month, that is a 9000 calorie deficit -- approximately 2 ½ half pounds. Combine this with exercise, and you are virtually guaranteed to win the fight against the fat that comes with Grandma’s Chocolate Oreo Mudslide Cheesecake.
Dr. John P DeMann, ISSA
Never Outshine The Master
Never Outshine The Master:
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D.
As I sit writing this I am reminding myself of all the shit I could have prevented had I heeded this little piece of advice. The truth is it is in our nature to want to show our boss we have done well, that we did more than they expected. The problem is that the boss does not like the fact that he/she is not getting the credit if the subordinate has made clear he is the producer.
The trick hear is to make sure the boss gets the credit, yet the boss and only the boss realizes he has you to owe for the outcome. Always remember in the end when you are not given the credit the one person that the company will ask if they are qualified for their position is the boss and who do you think he will give the job to? You! However, if you ran around bragging that you save the day you will be the last. In fact he will find more than enough reasons not to get you in his position.
This will take a little swallowing of the pride, but I will promise you one thing, your career depends on it. I don’t care if your boss stole the idea that saved the company you will never win having a show down with your boss. Always remind yourself if that one idea came out of the blue there are a million more just like them. Focus on climbing the corporate latter first then on creating innovative ideas to make a name for yourself.
Just because you allow one person to take a few of your ideas does not mean you have lost something. It only means you have made one move closer to the opposition of the person sitting in the desk above you. Honestly it really does not hurt anyway to help others, especially your boss because in the end you are a team. Just look out for the ones who take the credit for the work you do and realize you need to make it through his lead, but as soon as possible move up the cooperate ladder.
Keep Climbing,
John Paul DeMann, Ph.D.
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D.
As I sit writing this I am reminding myself of all the shit I could have prevented had I heeded this little piece of advice. The truth is it is in our nature to want to show our boss we have done well, that we did more than they expected. The problem is that the boss does not like the fact that he/she is not getting the credit if the subordinate has made clear he is the producer.
The trick hear is to make sure the boss gets the credit, yet the boss and only the boss realizes he has you to owe for the outcome. Always remember in the end when you are not given the credit the one person that the company will ask if they are qualified for their position is the boss and who do you think he will give the job to? You! However, if you ran around bragging that you save the day you will be the last. In fact he will find more than enough reasons not to get you in his position.
This will take a little swallowing of the pride, but I will promise you one thing, your career depends on it. I don’t care if your boss stole the idea that saved the company you will never win having a show down with your boss. Always remind yourself if that one idea came out of the blue there are a million more just like them. Focus on climbing the corporate latter first then on creating innovative ideas to make a name for yourself.
Just because you allow one person to take a few of your ideas does not mean you have lost something. It only means you have made one move closer to the opposition of the person sitting in the desk above you. Honestly it really does not hurt anyway to help others, especially your boss because in the end you are a team. Just look out for the ones who take the credit for the work you do and realize you need to make it through his lead, but as soon as possible move up the cooperate ladder.
Keep Climbing,
John Paul DeMann, Ph.D.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
One of the most important actions we can take is finding our purpose. In fact, I suggest the lack of purpose is the number one life block that prevents us from finding happiness, fulfillment, and success. If you want to live a compelling life, knowing your purpose is a must! That is what I would like to help you do in this pattern.
I want you to look at this in a very simple way. I think many times we get stuck doing this because it is so intimidating due to its large perception of what it means. The pattern has been created with this in mind so that will help some, just try not to get sucked into the belief that you are not ready to define this BIG outcome. You are ready for it and I think you will be amazed, as most that do this pattern with me, are! So let’s get to the pattern:
1. What are your talents and gifts?
2. What do you love to do?
3. What are some problems in the world that could use your talents and gifts?
4. Determine how you can bring together your talents and gifts with what you love to do and apply that to how you can help solve the problems you defined in step 3.
5. Imagine using your talents and gifts and what you love to do in overcoming the problem you defined and overcoming the problem with extreme success. (Future Pace).
6. Test it.
7. Act on it!
I cannot stress the importance of getting your pattern working for you. This is a simple process and a lot of times the simplicity makes people put it off. I hear so many people complain about some area of their life and when they are given a simple way to fix it they complain. That’s when I give them the stop complaining pattern because they are literally addicted to complaining. They are addicted to not getting it solved.
Go to work and enjoy the process, but remember you have to use the pattern for it to work. I look forward to hearing from you to see how this has worked for you.
In Learning and Life!
Dr. John P. DeMann
One of the most important actions we can take is finding our purpose. In fact, I suggest the lack of purpose is the number one life block that prevents us from finding happiness, fulfillment, and success. If you want to live a compelling life, knowing your purpose is a must! That is what I would like to help you do in this pattern.
I want you to look at this in a very simple way. I think many times we get stuck doing this because it is so intimidating due to its large perception of what it means. The pattern has been created with this in mind so that will help some, just try not to get sucked into the belief that you are not ready to define this BIG outcome. You are ready for it and I think you will be amazed, as most that do this pattern with me, are! So let’s get to the pattern:
1. What are your talents and gifts?
2. What do you love to do?
3. What are some problems in the world that could use your talents and gifts?
4. Determine how you can bring together your talents and gifts with what you love to do and apply that to how you can help solve the problems you defined in step 3.
5. Imagine using your talents and gifts and what you love to do in overcoming the problem you defined and overcoming the problem with extreme success. (Future Pace).
6. Test it.
7. Act on it!
I cannot stress the importance of getting your pattern working for you. This is a simple process and a lot of times the simplicity makes people put it off. I hear so many people complain about some area of their life and when they are given a simple way to fix it they complain. That’s when I give them the stop complaining pattern because they are literally addicted to complaining. They are addicted to not getting it solved.
Go to work and enjoy the process, but remember you have to use the pattern for it to work. I look forward to hearing from you to see how this has worked for you.
In Learning and Life!
Dr. John P. DeMann
Monday, 1 November 2010
Let’s face it we live in a world where there are some who are not out to help you even though they say they are. The health and fitness industry is one of the fields this practice is extremely prevalent. We hear the author of some add stating that their main goal in life is to help others achieve their dreams, when in fact, what they are up to is looking for a stealthy way to get your money. Then you have the ones that really do want to help, but because they are doing it for the wrong reasons they are not helping because they failed to put in the hard work required to know what the hell they are talking about. The fact is if you get ripped off by anyone all I can say is you better smarten up and realize the truth about the con artists and the want to be gurus out there. My hope is that I can help you find real knowledge and information that you can use and use with success.
The pattern I want to share with you today is the Healthy Eating Pattern. I have seen so many people get so frustrated because they buy a program or go on some special diet to find that in a year they are worse off than they were when they started. I will give you proven strategies that work and work for everyone if you apply it. Remember, if you want results you are going to have to put in the work! So let’s get to it. This is a process I suggest doing each day which will get you to become aware of how you are eating and it will provide you with the motivation needed to get you to make the right choices. Again, you can’t just read it once and expect it to work, you must read it, internalize it, and use it consistently.
1. Determine if it is time to eat. This should be done based on your activities for the next three hours and should be scheduled times so you can ingest five to six meals a day spaced at three hour intervals between meals.
2. Determine what would be your best choice in terms of nutrition for the meal in consideration.
3. Determine what would be your worst choice in terms of nutrition for the meal in consideration.
4. Compare 2 and 3 and decide which one will make you feel and perform better.
5. Future pace and imagine making the food choice and use imagination to internalize that healthy choice.
6. Test and act out on the choice.
I can’t stress the importance of seeing yourself in your imagination making the correct choice and following through on that choice. Something clicks when we see the outcomes we are after in our minds eye. There are massive amounts of research out there that support this, don’t let this tool go to waste. In fact, use this skill in all you do and you will literally amaze yourself!
Ok, that is it! Now go to work and see if this works for you. Remember that you are the master of your own life so if this does not work well for you try something else. Make changes to what I have provided. Just don’t give up, keep on working to find the solution that will work for you. Just recognize that this pattern has worked for literally thousands of clients and if you give it a solid try it will work for you too, I am sure.
In Learning and Living!
Dr. John P. DeMann
The pattern I want to share with you today is the Healthy Eating Pattern. I have seen so many people get so frustrated because they buy a program or go on some special diet to find that in a year they are worse off than they were when they started. I will give you proven strategies that work and work for everyone if you apply it. Remember, if you want results you are going to have to put in the work! So let’s get to it. This is a process I suggest doing each day which will get you to become aware of how you are eating and it will provide you with the motivation needed to get you to make the right choices. Again, you can’t just read it once and expect it to work, you must read it, internalize it, and use it consistently.
1. Determine if it is time to eat. This should be done based on your activities for the next three hours and should be scheduled times so you can ingest five to six meals a day spaced at three hour intervals between meals.
2. Determine what would be your best choice in terms of nutrition for the meal in consideration.
3. Determine what would be your worst choice in terms of nutrition for the meal in consideration.
4. Compare 2 and 3 and decide which one will make you feel and perform better.
5. Future pace and imagine making the food choice and use imagination to internalize that healthy choice.
6. Test and act out on the choice.
I can’t stress the importance of seeing yourself in your imagination making the correct choice and following through on that choice. Something clicks when we see the outcomes we are after in our minds eye. There are massive amounts of research out there that support this, don’t let this tool go to waste. In fact, use this skill in all you do and you will literally amaze yourself!
Ok, that is it! Now go to work and see if this works for you. Remember that you are the master of your own life so if this does not work well for you try something else. Make changes to what I have provided. Just don’t give up, keep on working to find the solution that will work for you. Just recognize that this pattern has worked for literally thousands of clients and if you give it a solid try it will work for you too, I am sure.
In Learning and Living!
Dr. John P. DeMann
Thursday, 28 October 2010
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D., CPEC, PPC, and ISSA.
To attain any outcome you desire we have found common patterns for those whose are successful. When I went out to research this I wanted to find those who had made radical changes in their life. I looked in one of the best places to find those seeking change, the gym. The great news is I interviewed several hundred people and I had them describe to me the process and it was very interesting what I found. I was able to put together a pattern that I know works. The following is that pattern and I want you to remember this patter will work if you put it to use.
1. Identify a function or behavior that you want.
2. Identify an opposite behavior you know disempowers you
3. Create a scenario using the empowering behavior
4. Create a scenario using the disempowering behavior
5. Notice in detain the difference in terms of pain and pleasure and in terms of future effects.
6. Future pace: Practice using the empowering behavior in the mind several times before going to bed and arising in the morning. Do this for 20 to 30 days to internalize your new behavior.
7. Act on it in real life situations.
I want you to get the spirit of acting out what you want to get done. This has been shown in research that mental rehearsal actually works and that champion athletes use it daily and seriously. It’s important to get the image as real as possible by getting as many of the senses involved. At some future date we can go into detail about the details of imaging, but for now it’s important to just do it.
I hope the above information can help you improve the quality of your life and the lives of others you have contact with. I also want to point out that the best way to learn is to teach so teach this to as many people as you can. Don’t get embarrassed just keep telling yourself you are helping them so if they want to make fun of your enthusiasm they are the ones who should be ridiculed. For now go to work and remember the spirit of learning is using and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.
In Learning and Living,
Dr. John Paul DeMann
By: John P. DeMann, Ph.D., CPEC, PPC, and ISSA.
To attain any outcome you desire we have found common patterns for those whose are successful. When I went out to research this I wanted to find those who had made radical changes in their life. I looked in one of the best places to find those seeking change, the gym. The great news is I interviewed several hundred people and I had them describe to me the process and it was very interesting what I found. I was able to put together a pattern that I know works. The following is that pattern and I want you to remember this patter will work if you put it to use.
1. Identify a function or behavior that you want.
2. Identify an opposite behavior you know disempowers you
3. Create a scenario using the empowering behavior
4. Create a scenario using the disempowering behavior
5. Notice in detain the difference in terms of pain and pleasure and in terms of future effects.
6. Future pace: Practice using the empowering behavior in the mind several times before going to bed and arising in the morning. Do this for 20 to 30 days to internalize your new behavior.
7. Act on it in real life situations.
I want you to get the spirit of acting out what you want to get done. This has been shown in research that mental rehearsal actually works and that champion athletes use it daily and seriously. It’s important to get the image as real as possible by getting as many of the senses involved. At some future date we can go into detail about the details of imaging, but for now it’s important to just do it.
I hope the above information can help you improve the quality of your life and the lives of others you have contact with. I also want to point out that the best way to learn is to teach so teach this to as many people as you can. Don’t get embarrassed just keep telling yourself you are helping them so if they want to make fun of your enthusiasm they are the ones who should be ridiculed. For now go to work and remember the spirit of learning is using and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.
In Learning and Living,
Dr. John Paul DeMann
5 Ways to Get In Shape for the New Year
5 Ways to Get In Shape for the New Year
By: Lance Phillips and Dr. John Paul DeMann, CPEC, PPC, and ISSA.
Cumming, GA – October 27, 2010 – There is always that one New Year’s resolution that comes back to haunt us year after year only to remain unfulfilled.
How often have you made it through the holiday feasting to find a few mysterious extra pounds hovering around your midsection and resolved that “this year, I’m going to get into shape”?
And how often has that resolution fallen by the wayside once the fireworks die down and you get back into the momentum of your life?
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA certified fitness trainer and owner of The DeMann Life Systems tells us the 5 most manageable ways to stick to those New Year’s Resolutions.
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a 1-2% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in virtually every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – Fast food just isn’t good for your body. It has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. (Your facility name) advise against this bad habit. Try having a Fuji apple, a vitamin packed banana and a yogurt as an alternative to the fast food cravings.
3. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Eating small, frequent, sensible meals throughout the day will level out your blood sugar and provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day. Have at least one serving of fresh fruits or vegetables at every meal.
4. Exercise every day – What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily. If you get bored easily doing the same routine day in and day out, feel free to mix it up. On Monday take the dog for a long walk, play tennis on Tuesday, go for a swim at the local pool on Wednesday, go for a bike ride on Thursday and go for a hike on Friday.
5. Consult a personal trainer – Personal trainers train, study, and devote themselves to being a better health and fitness expert every day. If you just book one session to ensure you are on the right track, your body will thank you for it. One of the best insurance policies you can buy!
Dr. DeMann also believes through extensive research and experience that there is much more to health and fitness then just getting into the gym. What we need to realize is that our brain offers a powerful tool that can get us to attain the outcomes we desire when we use the brain in ways it was supposed to be used. Below Dr. DeMann has provided you an eating healthy pattern that will be a powerful tool in your quest for extraordinary health and fitness.
1. Identify the times for eating throughout the day
2. Identify healthy food choice
3. Identify unhealthy food choice
4. Compare outcome in steps 2 and 3 in terms of energy and body composition.
5. Future pace
6. Act
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Certified Trainer, can be reached at The DeMann-Life-Style-Systems in Cumming, GA where he conducts personal and group coaching in the area of life transformation. The program he has developed works on developing the person as a whole. Using a client centered approach allows the client to decide what they want and with Dr. DeMann as your coach if you are really serious.
In Learning,
Lance Phillips
Dr. John P. DeMann
By: Lance Phillips and Dr. John Paul DeMann, CPEC, PPC, and ISSA.
Cumming, GA – October 27, 2010 – There is always that one New Year’s resolution that comes back to haunt us year after year only to remain unfulfilled.
How often have you made it through the holiday feasting to find a few mysterious extra pounds hovering around your midsection and resolved that “this year, I’m going to get into shape”?
And how often has that resolution fallen by the wayside once the fireworks die down and you get back into the momentum of your life?
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA certified fitness trainer and owner of The DeMann Life Systems tells us the 5 most manageable ways to stick to those New Year’s Resolutions.
1. Drink lots of water – Our bodies are made up of something like 70% water. Just a 1-2% drop in water intake can severely dehydrate you, limiting your performance in virtually every aspect of your life.
2. Cut out fast food – Fast food just isn’t good for your body. It has too many chemicals, food additives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fried foods, and an overall lack of nutrition. (Your facility name) advise against this bad habit. Try having a Fuji apple, a vitamin packed banana and a yogurt as an alternative to the fast food cravings.
3. Eat 5-7 small meals per day – Eating small, frequent, sensible meals throughout the day will level out your blood sugar and provide your muscles and body with the appropriate nutrition you need to get you through your entire day. Have at least one serving of fresh fruits or vegetables at every meal.
4. Exercise every day – What do you need to get in the best shape of your life? 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, daily. If you get bored easily doing the same routine day in and day out, feel free to mix it up. On Monday take the dog for a long walk, play tennis on Tuesday, go for a swim at the local pool on Wednesday, go for a bike ride on Thursday and go for a hike on Friday.
5. Consult a personal trainer – Personal trainers train, study, and devote themselves to being a better health and fitness expert every day. If you just book one session to ensure you are on the right track, your body will thank you for it. One of the best insurance policies you can buy!
Dr. DeMann also believes through extensive research and experience that there is much more to health and fitness then just getting into the gym. What we need to realize is that our brain offers a powerful tool that can get us to attain the outcomes we desire when we use the brain in ways it was supposed to be used. Below Dr. DeMann has provided you an eating healthy pattern that will be a powerful tool in your quest for extraordinary health and fitness.
1. Identify the times for eating throughout the day
2. Identify healthy food choice
3. Identify unhealthy food choice
4. Compare outcome in steps 2 and 3 in terms of energy and body composition.
5. Future pace
6. Act
Dr. John P. DeMann, ISSA Certified Trainer, can be reached at The DeMann-Life-Style-Systems in Cumming, GA where he conducts personal and group coaching in the area of life transformation. The program he has developed works on developing the person as a whole. Using a client centered approach allows the client to decide what they want and with Dr. DeMann as your coach if you are really serious.
In Learning,
Lance Phillips
Dr. John P. DeMann
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Seven key secrets of power and creativity:
By: Dr. John P. DeMann
My goal in writing these articles will be to provide you with specific information that I have found to be helpful in creating extraordinary outcomes. Each week I will provide specific information in the area of personal development so that you can apply what you will learn and achieve the outcomes you desire. I want to make an important point; these articles are not only for developing success in business, they can be used to improve the quality of life in general. These articles can also be used to improve the quality of your employees work if you are looking for ways to improve the productivity of your business.
I have found in my research and through personal experience the best way to become successful is to study and model those who have achieved what we would like to achieve. For over 25 years I have been researching and studying some of the most successful people in the world. In fact, I have looked at those who are considered to have achieved super success and those who have achieved truly fulfilling lives. When I was 15 years old I began to wonder why some people were successful and others were not so successful. My quest for this answer has brought me to an observation that I believe will benefit anyone who is seeking to achieve a successful and happy life. I believe to be successful happiness MUST be part of the outcome.
I will also include in these articles special tools and techniques that you will find helpful in your quest for success and happiness. In other words, I will try to make these articles practical! As I always point out it is very important that you put to use what you learn. I have seen in my career so many people who are starving to learn and achieve yet they put all the effort into learning, but rarely in doing. I ask that you commit right now to not waste your knowledge and apply it. Also, don’t think you are not wise enough to develop new ideas from what you learn, work on being innovative and creative and I know you will bring great ideas to the world. One last thing before we begin, teach what you learn and what you innovate and create to others. This serves two important purposes; first it allows you to internalize the knowledge faster and second you get to help others improve the quality of their life.
I have found a seven key traits, or secrets, that are common among those who have achieved extraordinary outcomes. I say secrets because I rarely see personal development literature tell us what others who succeed do. Most of the time we get what the writer believes is the road to personal development, which is often just theory. Don’t get me wrong, many writers have great ideas, but there is nothing better than getting information through research that has been used to achieve extraordinary success. I also want to point out that all of these traits are not part of a genetic makeup, but are a part of learned experiences. Most of the people I have studied have had experiences that provided them these traits; however I do believe and in my research I have found that these traits can be nurtured. Whether you are a parent trying to give your kids that extra edge or an adult who is trying to improve the quality of your own life these traits can be learned to promote extraordinary outcomes.
Before we begin it is important to also understand that those who have achieved extraordinary outcomes are not considered normal. Normal in this way describes those who are average or are considered the majority of the population. Those who are considered outside this range should not be looked at always in terms of abnormal in a negative way. In fact, the majority of those I have studied are those individuals who operate outside what is considered normal and is one reason why they succeeded. This is the main reason a small percentage of the populations ever reach high levels of success. In short, it is important to understand that those who achieve higher levels of success are not considered abnormal in a negative way, but abnormal because they do what others are not either willing to do or don’t know how to do.
To begin I will name these traits and then provide a detailed description of each individual trait with a short description of how you can began to develop them into your skill set. The seven traits include: intuition, high self-esteem, ability to take risks, the desire to be rebellious, obsessive, hard-working, and driven. Look at yourself honestly and see which of these traits you have and which you lack. Again, be completely honest with yourself. Take a minute and think of those you see who are accomplishing great things, those who are excelling at the workplace. Study those who are good at a game and see if you agree that they have these 7 traits in abundance. It will take time to cultivate these traits, but if you focus on each one, in time you will have these traits imbedded in your neurology so they become a part of who you are. I will try to provide you easy ways to help you implement these traits into your persona, but remember if you don’t put the exercises to work nothing will happen and reading this article will be a total waste of your time. Success does not come easy, but if you love what you do the work needed to succeed will be fun.
INTUITION: This trait is often looked at in terms of a non-accurate skill. The truth is that intuition is an actual chemical reaction that occurs when your unconscious recognizes a correct response to a given situation. It's true that if we are not careful and we jump to conclusions we can make mistakes in our decisions. However, when you learn how to listen to your own internal feelings you are tapping into a storehouse of knowledge that has been gained over a lifetime.
To improve your ability to use your intuition, listen to you’re in internal states. Even if you’re driving home from work and you get a gut feeling that it may be better to take a different route, do so, and see what happens. When interacting with other people listen to what you're intuition is telling you. I would suggest that intuition is one of the best tools we can use in all of our relationships because it gives us the ability to recognize when something may not be right. Research has shown that two people who enter a room will begin to take on the state the other person is in and the two will began to mirror each other’s feelings.
SELF-ESTEEM: This trait is one of the most important traits that we need to develop. We are all given a sense of who we are from a very early age and this is often not equal to who we really can become. Those who achieve extraordinary success have high self-esteem; they have to in order to attempt the great things they accomplish.
A great way to build high self-esteem is to evaluate your current self-esteem. It is important to be very honest with yourself when you do this so that you get a true picture of what needs to change. To change your current self-esteem write out a detailed description of the person you want to be. It can be helpful to use some of the models or heroes you look up to and internalize their belief systems. A great exercise to perform each night before you go to bed is to get a clear image of this new person and meditate on it for about 15 minutes.
RISK-PROPENSITY: Those who achieve extraordinary success are willing to take a risk. I'm not talking about random risk; I'm talking about calculated risk. However, at times it will be important to trust your intuition, your instinct, and just go for. Most of us will not do this due to fear, but you'll have to learn to overcome this fear if you ever want to achieve the life you have always dreamed of.
To develop this trait it is important to practice facing your fears. Do this first with simple fears then face more difficult fears as you go. This will allow you to build up the ability to handle greater fears gradually. You can even use your 15 minutes of meditation at night to see yourself facing your fears and successfully overcoming them. Actually see yourself doing those things you know must be done in order to achieve your goals.
REBELIOUS: Anyone who has created something extraordinary has had to have a rebellious spirit. Most of us are raised in such a way that we are put into boxes that limit our ability to achieve greatness. Even in our education system we are trained to “fit in” which only causes us to hold back. Those who succeed in major ways have either been allowed to operate outside the box or have learned how to operate outside the norm.
To develop this trait first realized that doing something different does not mean that you are doing something wrong. In fact, begin to believe that because you do things different you are a unique individual. This will require practice and it will be uncomfortable at first, but face your fears and overtime you will begin to realize that your unique behaviors will reward not only you, but others as well.
OBSESSIVE: To achieve anything of value requires a great deal work. In fact, it will require obsessive attention to what you are doing. Successful people are obsessive about what they are doing because they are passionate about it.
Developing this trait only requires that you are passionate about what you are doing. Make sure that what you are going after is truly what you really want. Many of my past clients have had goals that they finally realized were not their own goals but the goals of others, specifically of society. Once they realized this and truly found their true passion their success sky rocketed!
WORKAHOLIC: This one trait is pretty self-explanatory. When we see those who achieve greatness it is a guarantee that they work hard and long hours to achieve their outcomes. It's important to remember that those who have achieved great successes never considered their work as work, but more in terms of something they love to do. When we love what we do it becomes exciting and fun.
This trait is best developed as the one above by doing what you love. Take some time and really evaluate some of the goals that you have set and prioritize those goals so that the ones that truly mean something to you are at the top of your list. It's also important that you are working on no more than one or two goals at any given time. Those who tell you to set numerous goals truly have no idea how to achieve a goal. Achieving anything of value requires your focus and attention on that one outcome.
TENACITY: This trait is really better described as perseverance. We all will fail at some point in the process, but the important thing to remember is that we learn from our mistakes and we continue to move forward towards the outcome. All of those I have studied who achieved greatness had tenacity and would be literally fueled when something they tried did not work.
To develop this trait again requires that you love what you are going after. Remind yourself of one simple fact: failure is only failure if you do not learn from it. However, if you learn from your failures it is an extraordinary learning experience. Each time you try to attain a goal and you fall short review what you did and learn what not to do in the future.
As a coach I have had the opportunity to work with so many different people. The old psychology said you either have it or you don’t! However, today we are realizing that the brain, our whole neurology is plastic and can change if provided the correct course of action. I have found that many of these traits come automatically with clients who have found something they love to do. This is why it is so important to make sure that you love what you do and never go through life doing something because you think you have to. We have all been given an extraordinary gift, LIFE! Don’t waste it on living inside the box that others have put us in. Realize right now that this moment can be that moment that changes the course of your future. It’s time to leave your mark on the world and let your life shine!
Starting in 2011 I'm going to begin a weekly meeting called the Quantum Project for those who are interested in sharing research and ideas about personal and professional development. These will be held online which will make it very convenient. Please keep an eye out for when this project will begin. I love to hear from my readers so please feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. I also love to get feedback which will help not only me, but others as well. You can reach me at john@7poe.com.
By: Dr. John P. DeMann
My goal in writing these articles will be to provide you with specific information that I have found to be helpful in creating extraordinary outcomes. Each week I will provide specific information in the area of personal development so that you can apply what you will learn and achieve the outcomes you desire. I want to make an important point; these articles are not only for developing success in business, they can be used to improve the quality of life in general. These articles can also be used to improve the quality of your employees work if you are looking for ways to improve the productivity of your business.
I have found in my research and through personal experience the best way to become successful is to study and model those who have achieved what we would like to achieve. For over 25 years I have been researching and studying some of the most successful people in the world. In fact, I have looked at those who are considered to have achieved super success and those who have achieved truly fulfilling lives. When I was 15 years old I began to wonder why some people were successful and others were not so successful. My quest for this answer has brought me to an observation that I believe will benefit anyone who is seeking to achieve a successful and happy life. I believe to be successful happiness MUST be part of the outcome.
I will also include in these articles special tools and techniques that you will find helpful in your quest for success and happiness. In other words, I will try to make these articles practical! As I always point out it is very important that you put to use what you learn. I have seen in my career so many people who are starving to learn and achieve yet they put all the effort into learning, but rarely in doing. I ask that you commit right now to not waste your knowledge and apply it. Also, don’t think you are not wise enough to develop new ideas from what you learn, work on being innovative and creative and I know you will bring great ideas to the world. One last thing before we begin, teach what you learn and what you innovate and create to others. This serves two important purposes; first it allows you to internalize the knowledge faster and second you get to help others improve the quality of their life.
I have found a seven key traits, or secrets, that are common among those who have achieved extraordinary outcomes. I say secrets because I rarely see personal development literature tell us what others who succeed do. Most of the time we get what the writer believes is the road to personal development, which is often just theory. Don’t get me wrong, many writers have great ideas, but there is nothing better than getting information through research that has been used to achieve extraordinary success. I also want to point out that all of these traits are not part of a genetic makeup, but are a part of learned experiences. Most of the people I have studied have had experiences that provided them these traits; however I do believe and in my research I have found that these traits can be nurtured. Whether you are a parent trying to give your kids that extra edge or an adult who is trying to improve the quality of your own life these traits can be learned to promote extraordinary outcomes.
Before we begin it is important to also understand that those who have achieved extraordinary outcomes are not considered normal. Normal in this way describes those who are average or are considered the majority of the population. Those who are considered outside this range should not be looked at always in terms of abnormal in a negative way. In fact, the majority of those I have studied are those individuals who operate outside what is considered normal and is one reason why they succeeded. This is the main reason a small percentage of the populations ever reach high levels of success. In short, it is important to understand that those who achieve higher levels of success are not considered abnormal in a negative way, but abnormal because they do what others are not either willing to do or don’t know how to do.
To begin I will name these traits and then provide a detailed description of each individual trait with a short description of how you can began to develop them into your skill set. The seven traits include: intuition, high self-esteem, ability to take risks, the desire to be rebellious, obsessive, hard-working, and driven. Look at yourself honestly and see which of these traits you have and which you lack. Again, be completely honest with yourself. Take a minute and think of those you see who are accomplishing great things, those who are excelling at the workplace. Study those who are good at a game and see if you agree that they have these 7 traits in abundance. It will take time to cultivate these traits, but if you focus on each one, in time you will have these traits imbedded in your neurology so they become a part of who you are. I will try to provide you easy ways to help you implement these traits into your persona, but remember if you don’t put the exercises to work nothing will happen and reading this article will be a total waste of your time. Success does not come easy, but if you love what you do the work needed to succeed will be fun.
INTUITION: This trait is often looked at in terms of a non-accurate skill. The truth is that intuition is an actual chemical reaction that occurs when your unconscious recognizes a correct response to a given situation. It's true that if we are not careful and we jump to conclusions we can make mistakes in our decisions. However, when you learn how to listen to your own internal feelings you are tapping into a storehouse of knowledge that has been gained over a lifetime.
To improve your ability to use your intuition, listen to you’re in internal states. Even if you’re driving home from work and you get a gut feeling that it may be better to take a different route, do so, and see what happens. When interacting with other people listen to what you're intuition is telling you. I would suggest that intuition is one of the best tools we can use in all of our relationships because it gives us the ability to recognize when something may not be right. Research has shown that two people who enter a room will begin to take on the state the other person is in and the two will began to mirror each other’s feelings.
SELF-ESTEEM: This trait is one of the most important traits that we need to develop. We are all given a sense of who we are from a very early age and this is often not equal to who we really can become. Those who achieve extraordinary success have high self-esteem; they have to in order to attempt the great things they accomplish.
A great way to build high self-esteem is to evaluate your current self-esteem. It is important to be very honest with yourself when you do this so that you get a true picture of what needs to change. To change your current self-esteem write out a detailed description of the person you want to be. It can be helpful to use some of the models or heroes you look up to and internalize their belief systems. A great exercise to perform each night before you go to bed is to get a clear image of this new person and meditate on it for about 15 minutes.
RISK-PROPENSITY: Those who achieve extraordinary success are willing to take a risk. I'm not talking about random risk; I'm talking about calculated risk. However, at times it will be important to trust your intuition, your instinct, and just go for. Most of us will not do this due to fear, but you'll have to learn to overcome this fear if you ever want to achieve the life you have always dreamed of.
To develop this trait it is important to practice facing your fears. Do this first with simple fears then face more difficult fears as you go. This will allow you to build up the ability to handle greater fears gradually. You can even use your 15 minutes of meditation at night to see yourself facing your fears and successfully overcoming them. Actually see yourself doing those things you know must be done in order to achieve your goals.
REBELIOUS: Anyone who has created something extraordinary has had to have a rebellious spirit. Most of us are raised in such a way that we are put into boxes that limit our ability to achieve greatness. Even in our education system we are trained to “fit in” which only causes us to hold back. Those who succeed in major ways have either been allowed to operate outside the box or have learned how to operate outside the norm.
To develop this trait first realized that doing something different does not mean that you are doing something wrong. In fact, begin to believe that because you do things different you are a unique individual. This will require practice and it will be uncomfortable at first, but face your fears and overtime you will begin to realize that your unique behaviors will reward not only you, but others as well.
OBSESSIVE: To achieve anything of value requires a great deal work. In fact, it will require obsessive attention to what you are doing. Successful people are obsessive about what they are doing because they are passionate about it.
Developing this trait only requires that you are passionate about what you are doing. Make sure that what you are going after is truly what you really want. Many of my past clients have had goals that they finally realized were not their own goals but the goals of others, specifically of society. Once they realized this and truly found their true passion their success sky rocketed!
WORKAHOLIC: This one trait is pretty self-explanatory. When we see those who achieve greatness it is a guarantee that they work hard and long hours to achieve their outcomes. It's important to remember that those who have achieved great successes never considered their work as work, but more in terms of something they love to do. When we love what we do it becomes exciting and fun.
This trait is best developed as the one above by doing what you love. Take some time and really evaluate some of the goals that you have set and prioritize those goals so that the ones that truly mean something to you are at the top of your list. It's also important that you are working on no more than one or two goals at any given time. Those who tell you to set numerous goals truly have no idea how to achieve a goal. Achieving anything of value requires your focus and attention on that one outcome.
TENACITY: This trait is really better described as perseverance. We all will fail at some point in the process, but the important thing to remember is that we learn from our mistakes and we continue to move forward towards the outcome. All of those I have studied who achieved greatness had tenacity and would be literally fueled when something they tried did not work.
To develop this trait again requires that you love what you are going after. Remind yourself of one simple fact: failure is only failure if you do not learn from it. However, if you learn from your failures it is an extraordinary learning experience. Each time you try to attain a goal and you fall short review what you did and learn what not to do in the future.
As a coach I have had the opportunity to work with so many different people. The old psychology said you either have it or you don’t! However, today we are realizing that the brain, our whole neurology is plastic and can change if provided the correct course of action. I have found that many of these traits come automatically with clients who have found something they love to do. This is why it is so important to make sure that you love what you do and never go through life doing something because you think you have to. We have all been given an extraordinary gift, LIFE! Don’t waste it on living inside the box that others have put us in. Realize right now that this moment can be that moment that changes the course of your future. It’s time to leave your mark on the world and let your life shine!
Starting in 2011 I'm going to begin a weekly meeting called the Quantum Project for those who are interested in sharing research and ideas about personal and professional development. These will be held online which will make it very convenient. Please keep an eye out for when this project will begin. I love to hear from my readers so please feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. I also love to get feedback which will help not only me, but others as well. You can reach me at john@7poe.com.
Friday, 3 September 2010
The Quantum Project
Hi Everyone!
Man it has been one hell of a month. I have been putting the final touches on a new research project I have been working on for the past 2 years and I have to say I have had nothing but extreme excitement from all those who have been a part of the project. We are so excited to get this out, but I want to make sure it is perfect!
The name of the new empowering technology is: The Quantum Project. What is the Quantum Project? This is 2 years in the making and it took literally 30 years of study and research to get to this unbelievable insight that is going to blow your mind. I can't tell you exactly what it fully entails here but I can give you a brief rundown of what we found and how we plan to disseminate it. Don't worry, we have really kept cost down because its our goal to reach as many people as we can. You see I believe our world is in serious trouble that if it keeps going in the direction it is going we will not recognize the aftermath before long. This is urgent and is something I can't stress enough.
For over 25 years I have been interested in one thing; finding out what makes humans behave and more specifically how they can overcome challenges and reach true actualization. I know that we are going to need a different breed of human, a kind of super human to help get this world out of its mess and in my work I have found, using classical physics, quantum physics, neurology, physiology, psychology, and yes even religion there is a very powerful universal force we all have that when used can change anyone who is willing to put forth the effort into a kind of super-hero. Lets face it we need a kinda super hero, or a fleet of super hero's to turn this diseased planet around and the only way to do this is through certain natural laws and universal intelligence!
I can give you a Little specific to give you an idea of what I am talking about. By the way, I cant go into great detail because for this to be properly disseminated I have found that there is a certain way that it is best done in a systematic way that fosters the true learning process. It is true we can all agree that we can divide humans up into three parts. I call this the Human Triad. The first is the most important because it is where we are connected to the greatest force in the universe. This I call the mind or our spirit. We are not speaking of the brain because the mind is non-material. The next part of the triad is the neurology of the human which includes the brain and the neurons that connect the body to the brain. The final part of human is the physiology which includes the structure like muscles, bones and at the macro level the systems chemistry.
The Human Triad is really a system that when it is in true working order and when the person, the "I", the spirit, or just mind understands how it is operated can do absolutely anything. In fact, I can say without reservation I believe that Jesus had full use of his triad and is the reason he created the miracles he created. We call his works miracles, but please understand that anytime we see something done we don not believe is humanly possible we label it a miracle. I promise you will no longer see them as miracles, you will see them as scientific fact and you too will be able to harness these powers just as Jesus did and as our creator intended for us too.
I am anticipating an extraordinary demand for this understanding due to the market research numbers we have received on three separate occasions. The numbers went through the roof and it is a bit overwhelming. However, because a small group of us are in touch with these extraordinary gifts we have come together and decided to create a Master-Mind-Alliance of other like minded and passionate people who really want to make a difference and be a part of what will be a revolutionary way in how humans think, feel, and behave.
We will be holding a serious of on-line and in-person conventions that will combine training these skills and in developing administrative ways to disseminate it so we together can save this planet from destruction. I remember being told one time after asking a peer how I can become a leader and he said, "you have to recognize the need for a leader and take it!" I believe that to be true and I believe anyone who has payed attention to what is going on around us and who has a huge passion to really make a difference will take heed of my friends advice. When you commit to the first event you are taking a role as a leader.
We will need trainers, administrators, practitioners and more. The important thing to remember is that anyone who accepts this challenge not only gets to jump into living a purpose driven life filled with great meaning and be a part of a revolutionary change in the way we see humanity and get others to see reality they will also have to be trained in this technology that you will soon see is truly how we are suppose to operate.
I ask however that if you are someone who is not the kind of person who really wants to make a difference, who gets along fine following others and just minds their own business we will get to you when we reach the world, but for now please continue living the life you want to live. Again, we want only those individuals who are ready for something big, something that, for eternity, will change the way life on earth will be lived and lived for the better. We want, what I call, 1%rs, those small percentages who actually truly want to live life to the full.
I am so excited to get the ball rolling and I will work day and night to get the program ready for convention. Until then please keep reading the blog and we will keep you informed as to when you can expect to sign up and come to the first on-line convention to learn the nuts and bolts of The Quantum Project. For now get excited and get ready to become a real life Super Hero and help us Take Care of Business!!!
Dr. John P. DeMann
Director of The Quantum Project
Man it has been one hell of a month. I have been putting the final touches on a new research project I have been working on for the past 2 years and I have to say I have had nothing but extreme excitement from all those who have been a part of the project. We are so excited to get this out, but I want to make sure it is perfect!
The name of the new empowering technology is: The Quantum Project. What is the Quantum Project? This is 2 years in the making and it took literally 30 years of study and research to get to this unbelievable insight that is going to blow your mind. I can't tell you exactly what it fully entails here but I can give you a brief rundown of what we found and how we plan to disseminate it. Don't worry, we have really kept cost down because its our goal to reach as many people as we can. You see I believe our world is in serious trouble that if it keeps going in the direction it is going we will not recognize the aftermath before long. This is urgent and is something I can't stress enough.
For over 25 years I have been interested in one thing; finding out what makes humans behave and more specifically how they can overcome challenges and reach true actualization. I know that we are going to need a different breed of human, a kind of super human to help get this world out of its mess and in my work I have found, using classical physics, quantum physics, neurology, physiology, psychology, and yes even religion there is a very powerful universal force we all have that when used can change anyone who is willing to put forth the effort into a kind of super-hero. Lets face it we need a kinda super hero, or a fleet of super hero's to turn this diseased planet around and the only way to do this is through certain natural laws and universal intelligence!
I can give you a Little specific to give you an idea of what I am talking about. By the way, I cant go into great detail because for this to be properly disseminated I have found that there is a certain way that it is best done in a systematic way that fosters the true learning process. It is true we can all agree that we can divide humans up into three parts. I call this the Human Triad. The first is the most important because it is where we are connected to the greatest force in the universe. This I call the mind or our spirit. We are not speaking of the brain because the mind is non-material. The next part of the triad is the neurology of the human which includes the brain and the neurons that connect the body to the brain. The final part of human is the physiology which includes the structure like muscles, bones and at the macro level the systems chemistry.
The Human Triad is really a system that when it is in true working order and when the person, the "I", the spirit, or just mind understands how it is operated can do absolutely anything. In fact, I can say without reservation I believe that Jesus had full use of his triad and is the reason he created the miracles he created. We call his works miracles, but please understand that anytime we see something done we don not believe is humanly possible we label it a miracle. I promise you will no longer see them as miracles, you will see them as scientific fact and you too will be able to harness these powers just as Jesus did and as our creator intended for us too.
I am anticipating an extraordinary demand for this understanding due to the market research numbers we have received on three separate occasions. The numbers went through the roof and it is a bit overwhelming. However, because a small group of us are in touch with these extraordinary gifts we have come together and decided to create a Master-Mind-Alliance of other like minded and passionate people who really want to make a difference and be a part of what will be a revolutionary way in how humans think, feel, and behave.
We will be holding a serious of on-line and in-person conventions that will combine training these skills and in developing administrative ways to disseminate it so we together can save this planet from destruction. I remember being told one time after asking a peer how I can become a leader and he said, "you have to recognize the need for a leader and take it!" I believe that to be true and I believe anyone who has payed attention to what is going on around us and who has a huge passion to really make a difference will take heed of my friends advice. When you commit to the first event you are taking a role as a leader.
We will need trainers, administrators, practitioners and more. The important thing to remember is that anyone who accepts this challenge not only gets to jump into living a purpose driven life filled with great meaning and be a part of a revolutionary change in the way we see humanity and get others to see reality they will also have to be trained in this technology that you will soon see is truly how we are suppose to operate.
I ask however that if you are someone who is not the kind of person who really wants to make a difference, who gets along fine following others and just minds their own business we will get to you when we reach the world, but for now please continue living the life you want to live. Again, we want only those individuals who are ready for something big, something that, for eternity, will change the way life on earth will be lived and lived for the better. We want, what I call, 1%rs, those small percentages who actually truly want to live life to the full.
I am so excited to get the ball rolling and I will work day and night to get the program ready for convention. Until then please keep reading the blog and we will keep you informed as to when you can expect to sign up and come to the first on-line convention to learn the nuts and bolts of The Quantum Project. For now get excited and get ready to become a real life Super Hero and help us Take Care of Business!!!
Dr. John P. DeMann
Director of The Quantum Project
Thursday, 4 March 2010
No Excuses
Have you ever noticed the excuses we make for the failures we experience? I have, man was it an eye opener! When I finally became aware of the excuses I was making for not achieving something positive, my life took a dramatic turn for the good. I have to admit, I still catch myself making excuses, but the difference is that I am aware of it. Awareness can be curative in itself and in my case for becoming aware of the excuses I make allows me to change my thought process and get back on track making failure a feedback process in learning. I live by a presupposition that says; failure is feedback! This belief is a belief that allows me to grow and I can tell you if you apply it you will be amazed at the results you get.
Existentialism is a concept that basically says we are responsible for all we experience in life, good or bad. I want to make sure you understand I am not saying you should become an existentialist; like all philosophies, it has its downfall. I always try to follow an eclectic approach in my practice as a psychologist and coach and in my personal life as well. However, in the case of our own successes and failures we can apply an existential approach and get some great answers to our own personal and professional development.
Lets assume a worse case scenario. A word of warning; please keep an open mind when you read this example so you can understand exactly what I am really saying. Lets take the example of rape. There is no doubt rape is a horrible experience that no one should ever have to go through and the person who is guilty of rape should be punished severely. The first point here to really understand is that our justice system does not prosecute for you, it prosecutes for the state! Many of us think that the punishment is for the victim, but it is not. It is for the people and the protection of all people. Those who believe the punishment is for the victim will leave the experience of justice with a real sour taste. Many believed that the justice given by the courts would make everything OK and make the experience less painful. The truth is that until the victim realizes the rape is their own responsibility, (notice I did not say fault), will be the ones who come away with an experience of growth and meaning.
Lets take the example of the person who started MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Her child was killed by a drunk driver and I'm certain we all can understand how horrible that must have been. In fact, we almost can say we would not blame her if the experience put her into a great depression that would bring her nothing but pain and anguish the rest of her life. However, this grieving mother did something that allowed her to grieve, but also allowed her to grow from the experience. When she went through the justice system she eventually realized that the process of justice would not bring her son back. What did she do, she became an advocate on behalf of her son against drunk driving which is why we see drunk driving laws as they are today in the united states. What she realized is that the experience within herself was her own responsibility. How she framed the experience in her own mind was what made the difference. Instead of thinking how horrible the situation was she began to look at the experience as an opportunity. Because she was able to see the experience in a more positive light she was able to make the experience meaningful which allowed her to make the most of a tragic event. in short, She took responsibility for the experience and what the experience was going to mean to her.
The same can be said for the rape victim. Those who suffer the most and who lose the zest for life and love all together are those that stay the victim. They do not take responsibility for the rape and the experience it brings them. The truth is that their is nothing anyone can do for them except enable them to continue down the destructive path of, "the victim." Those who realize that they are responsible for the experience and how they will deal with it are the ones who take the experience and do something healthy with it. In fact, I believe that those who recognize the power of taking responsibility are those who are most successful! The sad truth is that most can never look past the pain they are experiencing and that pain and their frame of mind become generative and feed off one another. This leads down a path of self-distruction!
Taking responsibility does not mean going it alone through a horrible experience. When an addict finally asks for help they are taking responsibility. When a victim of a crime asks for help to better deal with the after math of their experience they are taking responsibility. In fact, I feel that asking for help is the most powerful responsible choice one can make in meeting any challenge. Many think that asking for help is asking someone else to take on some of the responsibilities of their challenges. This is far from the truth, those who are responsible enough to ask for help realize they don't have all the answers and also understand that finding others who do is the most productive avenue they can take. Asking others to help who have dealt with similar challenges we face can speed the process of growth. We can model their actions and eliminate the mistakes they made along the way which makes the process much faster, less painful, and less frustrating.
Taking responsibility begins with eliminating excuses for our current situations. We are who we are because of the choices we made, not the choices others make. Remember, we have a choice in how we respond to any experience good or bad. The more we exercise our choice muscle the more control we have over our own life. This idea can be applied to the goals we set for ourselves. When we realize that tomorrow is directly created by our choice today we take back control. We are no longer the ponds in other peoples life. Those who suffer and who do not take responsibility for the experiences they face have no control of what the future has in store for them. Again we can also see how this can be applied to general personal development. When we realize the power of personal choice we began to live a truly free and empowering life, one that brings joy and meaning. Began today, create your own experiences, by eliminate excuses, and learn from the failures and experiences of life!
John P. DeMann, Ph.D., CPEC, ISSA.
Existentialism is a concept that basically says we are responsible for all we experience in life, good or bad. I want to make sure you understand I am not saying you should become an existentialist; like all philosophies, it has its downfall. I always try to follow an eclectic approach in my practice as a psychologist and coach and in my personal life as well. However, in the case of our own successes and failures we can apply an existential approach and get some great answers to our own personal and professional development.
Lets assume a worse case scenario. A word of warning; please keep an open mind when you read this example so you can understand exactly what I am really saying. Lets take the example of rape. There is no doubt rape is a horrible experience that no one should ever have to go through and the person who is guilty of rape should be punished severely. The first point here to really understand is that our justice system does not prosecute for you, it prosecutes for the state! Many of us think that the punishment is for the victim, but it is not. It is for the people and the protection of all people. Those who believe the punishment is for the victim will leave the experience of justice with a real sour taste. Many believed that the justice given by the courts would make everything OK and make the experience less painful. The truth is that until the victim realizes the rape is their own responsibility, (notice I did not say fault), will be the ones who come away with an experience of growth and meaning.
Lets take the example of the person who started MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Her child was killed by a drunk driver and I'm certain we all can understand how horrible that must have been. In fact, we almost can say we would not blame her if the experience put her into a great depression that would bring her nothing but pain and anguish the rest of her life. However, this grieving mother did something that allowed her to grieve, but also allowed her to grow from the experience. When she went through the justice system she eventually realized that the process of justice would not bring her son back. What did she do, she became an advocate on behalf of her son against drunk driving which is why we see drunk driving laws as they are today in the united states. What she realized is that the experience within herself was her own responsibility. How she framed the experience in her own mind was what made the difference. Instead of thinking how horrible the situation was she began to look at the experience as an opportunity. Because she was able to see the experience in a more positive light she was able to make the experience meaningful which allowed her to make the most of a tragic event. in short, She took responsibility for the experience and what the experience was going to mean to her.
The same can be said for the rape victim. Those who suffer the most and who lose the zest for life and love all together are those that stay the victim. They do not take responsibility for the rape and the experience it brings them. The truth is that their is nothing anyone can do for them except enable them to continue down the destructive path of, "the victim." Those who realize that they are responsible for the experience and how they will deal with it are the ones who take the experience and do something healthy with it. In fact, I believe that those who recognize the power of taking responsibility are those who are most successful! The sad truth is that most can never look past the pain they are experiencing and that pain and their frame of mind become generative and feed off one another. This leads down a path of self-distruction!
Taking responsibility does not mean going it alone through a horrible experience. When an addict finally asks for help they are taking responsibility. When a victim of a crime asks for help to better deal with the after math of their experience they are taking responsibility. In fact, I feel that asking for help is the most powerful responsible choice one can make in meeting any challenge. Many think that asking for help is asking someone else to take on some of the responsibilities of their challenges. This is far from the truth, those who are responsible enough to ask for help realize they don't have all the answers and also understand that finding others who do is the most productive avenue they can take. Asking others to help who have dealt with similar challenges we face can speed the process of growth. We can model their actions and eliminate the mistakes they made along the way which makes the process much faster, less painful, and less frustrating.
Taking responsibility begins with eliminating excuses for our current situations. We are who we are because of the choices we made, not the choices others make. Remember, we have a choice in how we respond to any experience good or bad. The more we exercise our choice muscle the more control we have over our own life. This idea can be applied to the goals we set for ourselves. When we realize that tomorrow is directly created by our choice today we take back control. We are no longer the ponds in other peoples life. Those who suffer and who do not take responsibility for the experiences they face have no control of what the future has in store for them. Again we can also see how this can be applied to general personal development. When we realize the power of personal choice we began to live a truly free and empowering life, one that brings joy and meaning. Began today, create your own experiences, by eliminate excuses, and learn from the failures and experiences of life!
John P. DeMann, Ph.D., CPEC, ISSA.
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